Energy Storage Systems (ESS) Standards Activities Steve Griffith February 28th, 2017
Agenda NEMA standards activities Measuring Energy Storage System Performance Secretariat for the ANSI Accredited Storage Committee (ASC) on Energy Storage Systems IEC TC120 (Electrical Energy Storage Systems) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 855 Technical Committee Installation standard for Stationary Energy Storage Systems
NEMA Standards Activities Measuring Energy Storage System Performance Background Lack of a uniform and repeatable method for determining and expressing system performance Project initiated under the DoE Energy Storage Systems program Development of a protocol/pre-standard for immediate use and a basis for US and International standards NEMA was an interested stakeholder and actively participated in the process.
NEMA Standards Activities Measuring Energy Storage System Performance Timeline November 2012- 1st version of the protocol completed (2 applications, 7 performance metrics) June 2014- 2nd version completed (added 1 more application, some enhancements to existing provisions) April 2016- 3rd version completed (added 5 more applications, more metrics, format revised) References: 3078R.pdf
NEMA Standards Activities Secretariat for the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) on Energy Storage Systems ANSI fundamental standards development requirements: Openness Lack of dominance Balance Consideration of views and objections Consensus vote ASC on Energy Storage Systems taking the Energy Storage System Performance protocol and converting into an ANSI/NEMA standard
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) IEC develops standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies Home page: Each IEC standard is developed by working groups in a technical committee (TC) Each country has its own technical advisory group (TAG) (sometimes called mirror committee) associated with a TC
IEC TC-120-Electrical Energy Storage (EES) Systems Standardization in the field of grid integrated EES Systems EES System aspects rather that the energy storage devices Investigates the need for new standards for EES Systems Grid includes: Transmission, Distribution, Commercial, Industrial, Residential, and Islanded EES Systems that can both store and provide electrical energy
IEC TC-120 Working Groups WG1- Terminology WG2- Unit parameters and testing methods WG3- Planning and installation WG4- Environmental issues WG5- Safety considerations NEMA holds the secretariat for the US TAG
IEC TC-120 Liaisons to other IEC TCs TC8: Systems aspects for electrical energy supply TC21: Secondary cells and batteries SC21A : Secondary cells & batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes TC22: Power electronic systems and equipment SC22E: Stabilized power supplies TC57: Power systems management & associated information exchange TC 82: Solar photovoltaic energy systems TC 88: Wind energy generation systems TC 105: Fuel cell technologies
IEC TC-120 Work Program IEC 62993-1 EES Systems - Part 1: Terminology IEC 62993-2-1 EES Systems - Part 2-1: Unit parameters and testing methods - General specifications IEC 62933-3-1 EES Systems - Part 3-1: Planning and installation - General specifications IEC TS 62933-4-1 EES Systems – Part 4-1: Guidance on environmental issues IEC TS 62933-5-1 EES Systems – Part 5-1: Safety considerations related to grid integrated electrical storage (EES) systems IEC 62933-5-2 Safety considerations related to the integrated electrical energy storage (EES) systems - Batteries
NFPA 855 Technical Committee Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems Early Development Stages Standard will address: Design Construction Installation Commissioning Draft meeting held January 10-12th, 2017
Thank you. Steve.Griffith