Welcome Family and Community 2017SY TITLE I OVERVIEW
A federal formula grant. Intro to Title I….. What is Title I? A federal formula grant. The largest federal grant Florence County School District 4 receives. Supplement NOT Supplant.
Primary objectives: To improve student achievement for all participating children. To improve staff development. To improve family and community involvement.
What does Title I do for students? The federal government provides funding to school districts each year. Funds are used to help students meet the state’s challenging achievement standards.
Eligible & Served Title I Schools Brockington Elementary School Johnson Middle School Timmonsville High School
Florence Four’s Title 1 Grant 2016-2017 SY Title I Grant: $590,019.86 Funds five class-size reduction teachers (BES) Two Parent Liaison Contract Days BES & JMS/THS during summer to assist with planning school year events Includes professional development, student incentives, parent involvement activities, instructional supplies, after-school programs, software/technology and supplemental instructional materials.
TITLE I MINI GRANT Additional funding awarded to district March 2016 Used to outfit BES computer lab with new desktop computers, chairs, and tables. Used to create new student lab at Timmonsville High school. Used to a pilot one-to-one program Starting with 3rd grade students
Curriculum Will be standards based Emphasis on Principal’s observing to ensure that the proper standards are being taught Standardized tests: BES: SC READY (Reading, Writing & Math) & SC PASS (Science & Social Studies) JMS: Same as BES & EOC, English 1, Algebra 1, Biology 1, & U.S. History THS: ACT for Juniors & ACT Work Keys SC PASS test scores given out at Back-to-School Registration Robert McDonald has a booth set up for explanation of test scores in lobby.
Two Types of Title 1 Programs School wide programs (Florence 4) Schools with 40% or more of its children from low-income families can develop school wide Title 1 programs to serve all students. School wide programs can combine Title 1 funds with federal, state, and local funds to improve school programs. Targeted assistance programs (N/A for Florence 4) Schools with 35-39% of its children from low-income families can have a Targeted Assistance Program. These schools will work out a plan to make sure that children served by Title 1 meet state achievement standards. Targeted assistance programs cannot combine federal, state, and local funds.
Highly Certified Staff The purpose of ESEA, Title I, Part A is to help states and districts ensure that all students have highly qualified teachers. (3) Requirements: Hold at least a bachelor’s degree. Be fully licensed by the state for their teaching assignment. Demonstrate content knowledge in each subject they teach. **Paraprofessionals (teacher aides) must meet one of (3) requirements: Completed at least 2 years of study at an institution of higher education. Obtained an associate degree (or higher). Met a rigorous standard of quality demonstrated through formal assessement.
Parents’ right to know/Notification Can request information about any teacher that your child is being taught by. School that receives Title I funds must provide timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. **Applies to all teachers teaching core academic subjects.
As a parent, you’re part of the Title 1 team! Parent Notification The parent-school compact states the goals and responsibilities of both parents and schools. The parent involvement policy helps parents understand and take part in the school’s efforts.
Our schools need you! Learn about your Title 1 program. Attend school events. Visit the classrooms. Volunteer to help. Join parent organizations. Attend parent-teacher conferences. Keep teachers informed of events that might affect your child’s work or behavior.
Parent & Information Resource Center Housed at Brockington Elementary School for entire district (different location this year). Room A-109 Access to room available upon request. Contact Title I Coordinator: Lashaundra Fisher 843-346-3956 Ext. 1110 lfisher@florence4.k12.sc.us Room A-102
Title I on website www.florence4.k12.sc.us
BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES Thanks for ALL of the donations (see back of program for list of generous donations)