Buena Colts Cheer Commitment Character Buena Colts Cheer Core Skills
Time Commitment Cheerleading will take over a large amount of time throughout the year. We as coaches try to work with the fact you are multi-talented, but your attendance is vital, this sport has NO SUBSTITUTES! Commitment to the team means commitment to ALL of our practices, games, activities, and appearances.
Year in a glance Spring….April and May, 2 practices per week and conditioning for cheer as well as a few weekend events. Summer…June conditioning, July begin practices after July 4th 3 per week plus conditioning, camp the end of the month (for cheer).
Year in a glance Football…Cheer Mon (after school)Tues and Wed (most likely evening), games Friday (Fridays before games start will be mascot meetings) Weekend service and fundraisers Competition- will involve daily practices in the weeks just prior to regionals in November. Mascot schedule will include games Basketball…2 games per week, 2 practices for cheer (after school) Spirit weeks may involve more time and events
Student requirements As a cheerleader or mascot, you are a student leader…good grades are a must as we want you to succeed C grades are our minimum and absolutely achievable. Plan ahead…use off days, late practice days, and any other available time for make-up work or tutoring.
Cost Cheer is EXPENSIVE…but we try to bundle and package as much as possible Total New Member costs (returners may be less) Varsity female- $700 ($150 of this is Reg.) Varsity male- $400 ($75 of this is Reg.) JV-$275 ($75 of this is Reg.) This number includes all fees for gear, camp, and athletic registration….please note Athletic registration fee will be paid at registration for 2017-2018 school year. Gear and camp fees will be paid (or fundraised for) to the Cheer/Mascot account and paid out from there. Because JV tryouts will be in Aug (due to AIA regulations), we do not have a fundraiser available due to gear needing to be ordered right away…start saving a little at a time now (about $55 a month)
Cost During the year there may be other small costs such as food on trips, items that you may want to purchase at competition, and banquet. Beyond the main cost I do not like to ask for anything else major as it is such a big initial cost.
What to expect at tryouts Use the tryout checklist to keep track of everything Open gym dates..material and skills will be reviewed Tues April 11th 6-8pm @BHS Wed April 12th 6-8pm @BHS Tues April 18th 6-8pm @BHS Wed April 19th 6-8pm @BHS Varsity tryouts are April 20th 6pm in BHS gyms Team meeting April 21st 6pm-Mandatory unless you have a SCHOOL event (like softball or track) First appearance April 22nd for LEAD
JV Tryouts JV tryouts are set for Aug, right after school starts (pending new coach). Open gyms will be in July, most likely Monday July 10 and July 17 We will keep it updated on the website found on your tryout checklist
What to expect at tryouts Paperwork is due before tryouts…athletic packet (to Ms. Chessar), and Information sheet/practice permit (to coach) must be turned in to participate Teacher evals are due April 11th for Varsity tryouts (any current High school students). Incoming Freshman need to hand in behavior report to be completed by their office and teacher evals before May 19th….I will pick them up at your school site. Evals are a large percent of your score, do not wait till the last minute to turn them in.
What to expect at tryouts Appearance: Hair up, natural make-up, athletic/cheer shoes, shorts (blue or black runner/compression/soffe style) that fit correctly, and Blue, Black, or White T-shirt-this can be plain or printed- no BHS Cheer logos though, and needs to fit properly covering mid section and chest. Skills: Females will show Cheer, 1 of 2 chants, School Song, dance, jumps, and tumbling or stunt (JV tryouts will not include stunt element and tumbling is bonus). Males will show Cheer, school song, and stunting. All material will be available on website as video clips.
Nitty gritty Details Please notify us of any conflicts during tryout week, as I know other spring sports are going on AIA Ruling…No all-star squads during high school season which runs officially from July to February… All-star=competition focus High School=multi-focus Buena Bands-another performance group here has Flag and Dance with a focus on dance and props.
Finally…. Candidates and parents/guardians…make sure you discuss all of the Above points from time commitment, to cost, to physical abilities We love coaching, our success depends on the teamwork between us, the squad, and their families…if you are ready, then jump in!!!! Questions?? Karyn.burkholder@svps.k12.az.us This power Point and paperwork on BHS website->Athletics->Cheer