Somerset Academy Miramar Elementary and Middle School School Advisory Council & Title I Meeting February 6, 2013 We are glad you are here!
Agenda Welcome Mr. Dennis Mulrooney- Welcome Mr. Dennis Mulrooney- Review minutes from December 5, 2012 School Updates Florida School Recognition Program- Mr. Mulrooney 2nd Session of FCAT Tutoring began 2/4/13-4/5/13 Saturday Enrichment 2/2/13-4/6/13 BAT II Scores- Presented by Mr. Mulrooney Fundraisers Camp Read S’mores Future Meeting Dates All Meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center April 3, 2013 May 1, 2013 Adjourn
Florida School Recognition Program Presented by Mr. Mulrooney
FCAT Tutoring 2nd tutoring session began 2/4/13-4/5/13 for Reading, Math & Science in grades 3-8.
Saturday Enrichment Saturday Enrichment began 2/2/13- 4/6/13 for Reading, Math, Writing & Science in grades 1-8.
Charitable Organizations Fundraisers Ice Cream - Band Multi Cultural Day - Social Science materials Rally For Reading - Honor Roll, Student of the Month, S ’mores Reading Camp Miami Heat Family Night - Athletics Pep Rally - Athletics Krispy Kreme - National Honors Dunkin Donuts - National Honors Elementary Dance - SGA Valentine Grams/Flowers - SGA Worlds Finest Chocolates - New York Trip Pizza Sales - Cheerleading Double R Vending - Future events/FCAT tutoring Dress Down Day - Future events/FCAT tutoring Charitable Organizations Pasta for Pennies - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Marathon - St. Jude Children's Research Hospital The Dan Marino Foundation- Walk About Autism Susan G. Komen - Race for the Cure Cancer Support
BAT II Results Year-to-Year Comparisons Elementary School 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Reading Math Science 2012-2013 74.00% 67.00% 75.00% 72.00% 81.00% 85.00% 66.00% 2011-2012 64.00% 76.00% 80.00% 2013 AMO Target Reading Math 77.00% 72.00%
BAT II Results Year-to-Year Comparisons Middle School 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Reading Math Science 2012-2013 77.00% 61.00% 86.00% 71.00% 90.00% 45.00% 2011-2012 73.00% 75.00% 72.00% 79.00% 43.00% 2013 AMO Target Reading Math 78.00% 83.00%
Camp Read S‘mores
Future Meeting Dates April 3, 2013 May 1, 2013 All meetings will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center