NEW BOARD TRAINING Saturday, July 22, 2017
Welcome to the PTO or Booster Club!
Now What? Don’t worry. Things will be all right. Educate yourself. Talk to people for feedback. Plan and get organized. Take charge…but not too much.
It will be all right! Why are you here? Why did you volunteer? Why is it important?
Get Educated About your individual organization! - What worked well last year - What didn’t work well - What does your principal need for the school or organization? - Who works hard? - Who are the best vendors? Who are new vendors? - Talk to families…you are serving them.
Get Educated About the things you MUST do! READ YOUR BYLAWS!! Follow your bylaws Plan out general meetings and post the schedule Be transparent Check each other’s work on the board Vote only in general meetings, not executive meetings
Get Educated - Follow Parliamentary Procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order - Take minutes and post them to your members - Pass a budget - Stay within budget or make amendments - Do your duty, not the duties of others - Stay positive - Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!
Talk to Others Recruit volunteers Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. Keep your finger on the pulse Support your teachers and staff
Plan & Get Organized - Plan out the year with the principal - Communicate that to families - Keep your spending on task - Adjust spending if fundraisers aren’t doing well - Work smarter for your money, not harder
Take Charge! But not too much! - Be strong in your decisions - Solicit support - Support your decisions with data - Be authoritative, but be kind - Don’t be bullied, but don’t be a bully - Use rules to back up your reasoning