Welcome volunteers and mentors! September 7, 2016
Lost Lake Elementary
Volunteers--Procedures Begin by completing the online volunteer application Let the school know when you have completed this step! Level II volunteers- return emailed waiver, get finger printed Check SPAM folder for emails regarding volunteer processing Provide Teacher/organization a schedule of availability If needed, Mrs. Pinkston can find a class for you to volunteer with. Be sure to sign in and out each time you come volunteer!
Goals for our School Volunteer Program To improve individualized educational assistance to students To enrich the students’ curriculum and broaden their awareness and experiences To increase students’ motivation for learning by providing a positive attitude toward education. To assist the teacher with some non-instructional tasks and duties. To stimulate community interest, concern and support for the education system.
Goals for our School Volunteer Program (continued) To strengthen school-community relations through direct and positive participation in the school. To promote better communication between homes, community and school. To promote community/citizen’s awareness of the programs, needs and achievements of the school. To recognize outstanding volunteers.
Benefits for Volunteers More informed about the school Better understanding of teachers and school Make use of skills and experiences Improved school-community relations Feeling of accomplishment Impacting the lives of our students!
Benefits for the School Enriched curriculum Improved school-community relations More individualized instruction Help with non-instructional duties Students receive more remedial help Students have positive role models Impacting the lives of our students!
Opportunities to Volunteer With a classroom teacher weekly, monthly With an enrichment teacher At school wide events Book Fairs Productions/Chorus Field Days Fundraisers Fall Festival STEM Night PTO Sign up tonight!!
Mentoring—Purpose What is a mentor? Positive Role Model Friend Coach Advisor Self-Esteem builder Advocate
Mentoring—Purpose The primary purpose of the mentoring relationship is to build trust between you and the student you are mentoring. Some of the students that you will mentor have not had a positive relationship with an adult.
Mentors--Procedures Begin by completing the online volunteer application Notify Mrs. Pinkston when you have completed this step Check SPAM folders for emails from regarding processing Provide Mrs. Pinkston a schedule of availability Mrs. Pinkston will contact you once she has paired you with a student to mentor Be sure to sign in each time you come volunteer! PinkstonK@lake.k12.fl.us
Mentors and Volunteers—Best Practices Stick to your schedule for consistency with the children and teachers If you need to be out or miss a session, let the teacher or Mrs. Pinkston know Always remain visible when working with children Be active listeners when working with students Keep positive attitudes when working with students
Mentors and Volunteers—Best Practices Hold high expectations Keep student information confidential If you suspect abuse or if the child shares any information that is alarming to you, please notify the teacher and/or Mrs. Pinkston Encourage Feedback from students (to find out how you are doing or what they enjoy about working with you)
Thank You! Thank you for your commitment to the students and teachers of Lost Lake Elementary! We could not succeed without our wonderful volunteers and mentors!!!! Don’t forget to sign up!