HMS Status Steven Lassiter Jan 20, 2017
HMS Dipole 3000A Dipole was successfully excited to 3,000A several times this past summer. The power supply units and control racks were unaffected by the dipole’s stray fields. Stray fields did affect the quadrupole dump racks. This will require relocation or magnetic shielding of the dump racks.
HMS Dipole @ 3000A
HMS Dipole NMR NMR probe 5 will not lock in above 1.8T. Cannot find a sweet spot to locate probe. Iron saturation leads to non-uniform field outside of vacuum chamber, where the probes are housed. Next generation of NMR probes and controllers have 100x better stability in non-uniform fields. Field regulation module, that talks directly to the power supply, are not available for the next generation NMR yet. Requires software correction signal to the PSU. Demo unit is expected to arrive Jan 23.
HMS Dipole He leak All CVI seals have been replaced on Dipole U-tubes (x4) Quad’s CVIs will be replaced opportunistically (x12)
Dipole Current Status Epoxy replenishment of the vapor cooled current lead seal is underway while the dipole is warm ~90K. Dipole’s OVC is being pumped on. Cool down of the magnet will occur early next week followed by testing of the new version of the NMR unit.
HMS Quadrupole Current Lead Mass Flow controllers New current lead mass flow controllers have been mounted and pressure tested. Final plumbing to the current leads, cable connections and check out still ongoing.
Spectrometer Rotation SHMS rotation replaces the SOS rotation in the PLC, HMI and hardware. Cabling from the SHMS to the Control rack is near completion. Final termination within the control rack is left. Final hookup to the SHMS interlocks is being worked on. Check out of rotation to occur after beamline installation and safety devices mounted.
HMS Maintenance and repairs have been ongoing with help from spectrometer support group: Items such as aged JT actuators, signal connections corrosion and motor control relay replacement. The full HMS checkout, including rotation, is planned for Feb 2017. Signed check out list will then be turned over to Hall Coordinator for turning over the keys to users.
HMS Summary Magnets have been excited to full currents. New NMR unit will be tested soon for high precision field control at full current. New current lead mass flow controllers for Quadrupole magnets. Full checkout planned for Feb