MSW Library Orientation Tony Tin, Director, Library and Information services Lusi Wong library Renison University College August, 2017
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How to access Library Resources
Library Account My account: View a listing of your outstanding fines and fees due to the library. See the materials that are checked out and renew these items. See requests pending at the library and their status. My list: save bibliographic records from various search results for later viewing, editing and printing in different formats aMy searches:llows you to save up to 25 search queries Search: Basic search finds records using keywords located anywhere in a record,
Library Account: Features Search: finds records using keywords Query: save your search queries E-shelf: save bibliographic records from various search results My account: fines and fees. See checked out and renew these items
Course Reserve
Subject Guide
A federated search tool one stop searching for every thing How to find books, journal articles, library website and many others .. A federated search tool – one stop searching for every thing, including book, journal article, video, e-book and etc Books and media Articles Library web pages Research Databases Journal titles More search options for "technology" Research guides Frequent library questions and answers Google Scholar UWSpace (Institutional Repository) University of Waterloo search A federated search tool one stop searching for every thing
More Search Options
Advanced Search options Search: Searches everything, including books, articles, audios, videos and many others. Books +: Searches physical resources (books) and E-books. Articles+: Searches articles available through many of the Library’s electronic subscription
Search tips: arrow or Broaden your search results: Boolean can help Boolean: Operator which links concepts within a search. OR (to include at least one term / concept): “child poverty” OR “poor children” (47,913 results) AND (to include all terms / concepts): “child poverty” AND Alberta (56 results) NOT (to exclude terms / concepts): “child poverty” NOT “poor children” (8,328 results). OR : A OR B: more result A AND B A NOT B: fewer result
Search Tips: Phrase & Truncation Phrasing searching: look for two or more words together using “ “. Instead of child poverty (35,77 results), try “child poverty” (1,827 results) Truncation/wildcards: using * to include all forms of the root word using*. child* finds child and children.
Borrowing books: 3 steps
Returning books: Loan term: 4 month privileges Return Options: Mail/Courier to the UW Library at your expense. Drop off at any Ontario University Library.
Interlibrary Loan (Racer)
Research Databases (Journal articles) 3 different access points: Primo Article+ Research Journal Database Browse Research Databases by Title: (PsycINFO) Browse Research Databases by Subject: (Social work) Find E-Journal Title (Social work research)
Useful Social Work Research Databases Social Service Abstracts (Proquest) MEDLINE (Proquest) Family & Society Studies Worldwide(Ebsco) Social Science Full Text (Ebsco) Canadian Research Index (Gale) PsyINFO (APA PsycNET site) Web of Science (ISI Web of Knowledge) Sociological Abstracts (Proquest)
How to cite your Resouces? Citation / Style Guides: provide access to different citation styles including APA, Chicago, MLA, and others. Primo Citation: allow you to copy-and-paste formatted citations from search results. Google Scholar Cites: allow you to copy-and-paste formatted citations from search results. Refwork: Online bibliographic management program that allows users to create a personal database of references and generate bibliographies in a variety of formats (Group Code* = RWUWaterloo) Poverty Wagner, Viqi, 1953- Detroit : Greenhaven Press 2008
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