Community led Need Assessment Survey, “Victims of Trafficking, Sex Workers and Commercially Exploited Women 2015” Community led Need Assessment Survey, North-West Delhi Key Findings
Why was a Need Assessment Study required? To learn about the structural barriers faced by these population to access the schemes leading to denial, exclusion and marginalization To understand the experiences of these communities and how they handled these challenges. To know if the Government departments had managed to reach the information on schemes to these population To understand the factors causing exclusion among these community members in accessing these social benefits.
Community experiences: “After I moved away from my family, I did not know whether I was eligible for a ration card. So I have not applied for one.”- Ms. Sapna, 37 years old, transgender person, Sultanpuri “I had not heard about the Laadli scheme till now. I have a daughter and I want to get the financial assistance the scheme provides but without information, how will I apply”- Ms. Komal, 22 years, Mangolpuri “I had submitted my application for a ration card a few months back and, though I am willing to wait, the problem is that I have not received any response on the status of my application”- Ms. Hina, 29 years, Transgender person, Vijay Vihar “I wanted to apply for an Aadhaar card, but I have no proof of residence and my landlord said that I should not use his address to receive any scheme. Therefore I have never managed to apply for an Aadhaar card”- Ms. Noorie, 29years, Transgender person, Budh Vihar
Sample Size: A sample of one thousand (1000) respondents, comprising of eight hundred (800) socially marginalized women and two hundred (200) Transgender persons, in the seven settlements worked out to:
Source of Information Transgender: Schemes Relatives Neighbors TV/ Paper/ Radio Friends/ Community Govt. official/ School CBO/NGO Hospital/Bank Aadhaar 41 50 35 38 16 20 00 Ration 29 18 Voter ID 11 25 85 24 Jan Dhan 14 51 26 21 09 19 02 Birth/ Caste Certificates 08 17 15 01
Source of Information Socially Marginalised Women: Schemes Relatives Neighbors TV/ Paper/ Radio Friends/ Community Govt. official/ School CBO/NGO Hospital/Bank Aadhaar 121 279 66 234 20 70 09 Ration 81 399 49 181 21 30 00 Voter ID 98 326 45 220 42 53 Jan Dhan 85 215 119 86 25 Laadli 124 39 97 40 Birth/ Income/ Caste Certificates 50 132 14 59 10 29
Major Findings: Types of Exclusion: Extreme Exclusion- It impacted four hundred and ninety nine (499) respondents Of the 499 respondents there was complete lack of awareness of schemes from one to many. Of the four hundred and ninety nine (499) respondents, as high as four hundred and one (401) or eighty percent (80%) of the respondents who faced extreme exclusion, were not aware of the five major schemes. The only scheme that almost all the respondents were familiar with was Aadhaar and to a lesser extent Ration Card and Voter ID Card.
Weak Inclusion: 501/1000 If we take the two hundred (200) Transgender respondents we find: 124 respondents never applied for a Ration Card, 25 of the 60 members who applied did not secure a Ration Card. 66 had never applied for a Voter ID card, though they were aware of it;117 who applied for Voter Card, 19 did not get it . 47 had never applied for the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, though they were aware of it; of the 95 who applied for Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, 32 could not open their accounts. 33 had not applied for any certificates, though they were aware of it; of the 27 who applied for certificates, 12 did not get it.
Of the eight hundred (800) vulnerable women we find that: 124 respondents had never applied for a Ration Card, though they were aware of it; of the 333 respondents who applied, 256 did not get it. 287 respondents had not applied for certificates, though they were aware of it; of the 228 who applied for certificates, 145 did not get it. 350 had not applied for Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, though they were aware of it; of the 365 who applied for it, 215 could not open their accounts. 156 respondents had not applied for Voter ID Card, though they were aware of it; of the 635 who applied for Voter ID Card, 68 could not get it. 267 had not applied for Laadli scheme, though they were aware of it; of the 193 who 94 did not get it.
Factors leading to exclusion: Discouraging and unresponsive officials: 149 respondents faced this - Ration card 66 Respondents with voter identity card 112 respondents for Birth, caste, Income and Death certificates 84 respondents with PMJY scheme 53 respondents felt humiliated when they tried Laadli scheme. 27 respondents even with Aadhaar
Factors leading to exclusion: Rejected across schemes for not having mandatory documents; could not apply for: 304 respondents- for securing birth, caste and death certificates 299 respondents – for laadli 429 respondents – for Ration card 201 respondents –for PMJY 165 respondents – for voter identity card 44 respondents – for Aadhaar
Factors leading to exclusion: Unethical practices such as demanding money 174 respondents for ration card 154respondents for getting certificates 114 respondents to get voter identity card 51 respondents to get Aadhaar 34 respondents in the case of PMJY 41 respondents for laadli scheme
Prioritization of settlements Prem Nagar with some concerted efforts can attain complete access as their level of availing of schemes higher compared to the rest of the settlements Mangolpuri is the least linked and serviced settlement-requires focused attention Prem Nagar Vijay Vihar Rohini Sector-20 Budh Vihar Harsukh block Sultanpuri Mangolpuri
Concerns and Recommendations Concern: Not aware of salient information on the key programmes and schemes Recommendations: Scheme education through Single Window Developing Information, Education and Communication materials Awareness through intensive peer led communication Developing local networks through CBOs and community groups Special enrolment camps
Concern: Insensitive system Recommendations: Sensitization of officials of all key departments and across levels Effective Norms and Protocols on Interaction with Community and their Representatives Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Other Concerns and Recommendations: Establishing Anganwadi centre at Sultanpuri to help enrolment of over 200 children below the age of 5 years. Skill building for vulnerable women and the young people on Beautician, Zardoshi and Paper products Loans to set up shops, purchases raw materials for small business, catering to name a few. Ration cards- Special attention towards inclusion of additional family members to existing card holders Address out-of-school children and provide educational support
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