Associação de Terminais Portuários Privados
Total Cargo Handling (t):
Monthly Cargo Handling (t): Public Ports included JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Handling per type of cargo (t): Public ports included General Cargo Liquid Bulk Dry Bulk
Container Handling (TEU): 3% 23% 3% 36% 16% 30% 56% 14% 332% 15% % anual throughput in Private Term.
Handling per Shipping (t): Public ports included Sea Going Short Sea Shipping (SSS)
Handling per Trade x type of port (t): Values in Mil Type of port Direction Dry Bulk Liquid Bulk General Cargo Sub -Total Neo bulk Container Public Export 152.583 18.052 41.430 11.190 223.256 Import 48.837 36.549 28.632 5.570 119.590 Private 381.035 44.902 17.406 26.466 469.811 46.400 118.473 12.614 7.178 184.667 Source: ANTAq – adapted by ATP
Cargo Handling per Region (t): Public ports included Values in MIL tons Region Type 2015 2016 ∆% North Total 80.903 78.927 -2,4% General Cargo(t) 5.850 5.533 -5,4% Dry (t) 59.366 59.326 -0,1% Liquid (t) 15.686 14.067 -10,3% TEU (u) 689 649 -5,7% Northeast 238.790 257.207 7,7% 5.782 6.543 13,2% 172.258 193.549 12,4% 60.750 57.114 -6,0% 986 980 -0,6% Southeast 474.897 448.744 -5,5% 29.402 28.365 -3,5% Dry (t) 326.948 305.355 -6,6% 118.546 115.022 -3,0% 4.380 4.059 -7,3% South 108.778 108.627 6.847 9.963 45,5% Dry t) 70.229 66.948 -4,7% 31.701 31.716 0,0% 3.151 3.116 -1,1% Source: ANTAq – Elaboration ATP
Brazilian Port system Top 10 : 2016 National Ranking Name ATP Associated Region UF Cargo Sum (t) 1st TUP Terminal Marítimo de Ponta da Madeira (only one terminal) yes Northeast MA 148.671.004 2nd TUP Terminal de Tubarão Southeast ES 108.030.989 3rd Porto de Santos (many terminals) SP 96.935.079 4th Porto de Itaguaí RJ 58.763.200 5th TUP Terminal Aquaviário de São Sebastião (Almirante Barroso) 46.473.027 6th TUP Terminal da Ilha Guaíba - TIG 46.139.203 7th Porto de Paranaguá South PR 40.053.489 8th TUP Terminal Aquaviário de Angra dos Reis 38.314.024 9th Porto Rio Grande RS 24.114.921 10th Porto Suape PE 22.747.980
ATP ATP 2016 Associated companies In its opening year, 2014, with only 21 associates (43 operating terminals) ATP represented 542,5 Mton of the total throughput. In 2015 wih 22 associates, (46 operating terminals) throughput of 577 Mton and in 2016 ATP ended the year with 23 associates (50 operating terminals) and 572 Mton. ATP 2016 Associated companies 23 Associated terminal companies 50 ATP 2016 throughput (GS = 376,9 + GL = 151,4 + CG = 16,3) e TEU = 2,4 572 (Mton) ATP participation on 2016 total throughput 57% TEUs (million/unities) 2,4 (30%) ATP associates Terminal and industries Workers (direct and 3rd party) 44.426 ATP Ranking 1st PONTA DA MADEIRA-MA 2nd TUBARÃO-ES 3rd ALMTE. BARROSO-SP 4th ILHA GUAÍBA-RJ 5th TERM. DE ANGRA DOS REIS
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