The Second Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas – Species The following slides provide Species Maps, specific to Colorado Parks & Wildlife Tier 1 and Tier 2 Species of Concern, for the Western Slope. The first 15 slides are of priority non-game birds that spend a substantial portion of their life cycle in riparian/wetland habitat The last 19 slides are of priority non-game birds that spend some portion of their life cycle in riparian/wetland habitat
Priority Non-Game Birds that Spend a Substantial Portion of Life Cycle in Riparian /Wetland Habitat
American Bittern
American White Pelican
Bald Eagle
Black Swift
Black Tern
Lazuli Bunting
Least Tern
Lewis’s Woodpecker
Long-billed Curlew
Northern Harrier
Sandhill Crane
Western Snowy Plover
Western Yellow Billed Cuckoo
White-faced Ibis
Priority Non-Game Birds that Spend Some Portion of Life Cycle in Riparian /Wetland Habitat
Banded-tail Pigeon
Barrow’s Goldeneye
Black Rosy-Finch
Brewer’s Sparrow
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch
Cassin’s Finch
Flammulated Owl
Grace’s Warbler
Gunnison Sage Grouse
Juniper Titmouse
Lark Bunting
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Peregrine Falcon
Pinyon Jay
Purple Martin
Swainson’s Hawk
Virginia’s Warbler