Good Morning! If you are the first person from your table to come in please grab ALL the notebooks for your table. (This will reduce traffic at the front!)
9/19. Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet 9/19 Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet. Start every answer on a new line. 1. What are the three types of democratic governments? Describe them by name and a give a brief description of “who rules” in each and how those leaders are decided on – how are they put in power? 2. Last week ESPN commenter Jemele Hill called Donald Trump a “white supremacist” on her personal twitter account. Many were upset and a white house spokesperson said she should be fired. Do you think she should be fired or should she be allowed to say that? Why? 3. This upcoming Friday is going to be your first notebook quiz. This will include your Drills, Quick 5s, and Notes from class. Are you confident that you will do well? Why?
Early Announcements Entrance Procedure Check Check Your Grades! Lockers! Woo! So, no backpacks! Quiz & Notebook Quiz on Friday
Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet. Start every answer on a new line. 1. What are the three types of democratic governments? Describe them by name and a give a brief description of “who rules” in each and how those leaders are decided on – how are they put in power? 2. On Monday, Mr. Taylor asked students to pick any topic they wished to reflect about – so long as it was related to school and you. Write about that choice now – is this area a strength or weakness? How are you going to continue to do well in it or how are you going to change your beliefs/actions right now so that it won’t remain that way in the future? 3. Baltimore City Schools takes off religious holidays for Christians such as Christmas and Easter, but not for Jewish (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur) or Muslim ones (Eid al-Adha, for example). Should Baltimore City Schools take off those other holidays in order for students and faculty to observe their religious holidays? Explain why or why not on your paper.
Previously: What is a government? An organization that uses authority to run society. The exercise of that authority can be done in two manners: democratic and authoritarian. WHO RULES? WHO MAKES DECISION? WHO CHOSE THEM? Today’s Emphasis: Authoritarian Types of Government
Dictatorship “One person rules” One person in charge, and wears military uniforms and takes power through brutal force. Ruler has total control Elections, if held, are not conducted fairly Example: Iraq under Saddam Hussein Nazi Germany
Dictatorship Former dictator of Iraq: Saddam Hussein Former dictator of Cuba: Fidel Castro
“The leader of a royal family rules” Absolute Monarchy “The leader of a royal family rules” Leader is part of royal family (noble birth) and inherits power. An absolute monarch is a type of dictatorship (only one ruler with total control, but without military uniform).
Former King George III of England Monarchy Former King George III of England King Salman of Saudi Arabia
A Word on Monarchy Initially, an absolute monarch’s power was given to them by the belief in Divine Right – that God gave them the right to rule. Example: King George III of England in the 1700s Current King Salmon of Saudi Arabia However, some monarchies exist today as honorary positions with none or very limited powers. Example: Modern Queen of England
Dictatorships & Monarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. People may be united in their loyalty to a dictator since there is no competition for trust/affection.
Dictatorships & Monarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. People may be united in their loyalty to a dictator since there is no competition for trust/affection. 2. In an emergency, a dictator can move quickly to take action. No time is lost in debate or discussion.
Dictatorships & Monarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. People may be united in their loyalty to a dictator since there is no competition for trust/affection. 2. In an emergency, a dictator can move quickly to take action. No time is lost in debate or discussion. 1. People are afforded little or no individual liberty. Civil rights don’t exist.
Dictatorships & Monarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. People may be united in their loyalty to a dictator since there is no competition for trust/affection. 2. In an emergency, a dictator can move quickly to take action. No time is lost in debate or discussion. 1. People are afforded little or no individual liberty. Civil rights don’t exist. 2. A dictator chooses policies to suit his/her own needs. Needs of the people may be neglected.
Dictatorships & Monarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. People may be united in their loyalty to a dictator since there is no competition for trust/affection. 2. In an emergency, a dictator can move quickly to take action. No time is lost in debate or discussion. 1. People are afforded little or no individual liberty. Civil rights don’t exist. 2. A dictator chooses policies to suit his/her own needs. Needs of the people may be neglected. 3. Decision making can be flawed, wrong, dangerous, and not fully supported by the people.
Oligarchy “A few people rules” Small group of leaders are determined by wealth, social position, or military strength This elite group usually takes power through force, and have the combined power of a dictator Example: Communist Party in China
Advantages Disadvantages Oligarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. Decisions can be made quickly.
Advantages Disadvantages Oligarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. Decisions can be made relatively quickly. 2. May provide expert leadership while avoiding the danger of one-person rule.
Advantages Disadvantages Oligarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. Decisions can be made relatively quickly. 2. May provide expert leadership while avoiding the danger of one-person rule. 3. In theory, they are the most educated members of society.
Advantages Disadvantages Oligarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. Decisions can be made relatively quickly. 2. May provide expert leadership while avoiding the danger of one-person rule. 3. In theory, they are the most educated members of society. 4. Members of the oligarchy listen to each other - they work together to rule.
Advantages Disadvantages Oligarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. Decisions can be made relatively quickly. 2. May provide expert leadership while avoiding the danger of one-person rule. 3. In theory, they are the most educated members of society. 4. Members of the oligarchy listen to each other - they work together to rule. 1. Leaders could disagree and fight amongst themselves.
Advantages Disadvantages Oligarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. Decisions can be made relatively quickly. 2. May provide expert leadership while avoiding the danger of one-person rule. 3. In theory, they are the most educated members of society. 4. Members of the oligarchy listen to each other - they work together to rule. 1. Leaders could disagree and fight amongst themselves. Disadvantages are the Same as Dictatorship
Advantages Disadvantages Oligarchy Advantages Disadvantages 1. Decisions can be made relatively quickly. 2. May provide expert leadership while avoiding the danger of one-person rule. 3. In theory, they are the most educated members of society. 4. Members of the oligarchy listen to each other - they work together to rule. 1. Leaders could disagree and fight amongst themselves. Disadvantages are the Same as Dictatorship 2. Needs and wants of the people are not necessarily considered.
…but what happens when no one rules?
Anarchy No government, usually resulting in chaos. THINK: The Purge
Exploring Authoritarian Types of Government through Case Studies Station Readings: One person in your group reads the paper out loud. Every one else listens along until they hear and answer. Politely say “Stop.” Everyone at the group answers it together. Continue until you answer all the questions boxes for this reading. The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives!
Quick 5 9/19 If you had to be a ruler, which TYPE of gov’t would you want to be in charge of? Why? Why would you not want to be a leader in the OTHER type?
Independent Practice: Student Selection Reviewing Democratic & Authoritarian: Complete the reading, and finish the first assignment. Then, complete the three hurdles on the back. Government Headlines: In your groups today, you will look at the REAL LIFE headlines from around the world and determine what form of government they are talking about. Be sure to complete how you know the specific government and whether it is authoritarian or democratic.
Remember, this is a silent and independent activity! Today’s Exit Ticket Complete today’s exit ticket. They are multiple choice questions that you would see on the High School Assessment for American Government. Remember, this is a silent and independent activity!