Climate4impact status and statistics 2016-11-21 Latest improvements: ES-DOC works again and has an improved logo Added description and keywords in the header of pages Admin functionality to take over other accounts. GeoJSON support for WMS/WCS Nuts statistics Provenance Advanced combine Downscaling creation improved Added GeoJSON IOSP for NetCDF library Added statistics logger Persistent login has been created with cookie Addedsupport for unsigned types Provenance viewer New fileviewer CLIPC DRS Checker … etc …
Detailed stats for climate4impact API 721 registered users Splunk has been installed and is monitoring since 2016-08-19 till 2016-11-21 Hits to Web Service API, from registered users between 2016-08-19 and 2016-11-21: 407825 124489 through accesstokens 253518 through browser 29689 through x509 certificates Total WPS execute requests: 28 via browser (Our UI needs to be improved ;) ) 1251 via accesstokens, from CLIPC portal or DKRZ Birdhouse client 0 via x509 certificates Total WMS requests GetCapabilities: 229 GetMap: 17096 GetHistogram: 242 GetFeatureInfo: 775 Total WCS requests: GetCapabilities: 23 Describecoverage: 2399 GetCoverage: 2018 Basket listing requests: 7544 Total OpenDAP requests from climate4impact basket: DAS: 28040 (Data Attribute Service) DDS: 56085 (Data Description Service) DODS: 49238 (Binary data transfer) File downloads: 276
IS-ENES + CLIPC Processing scripts CERFACS TUDO PIK SYKE KNMI JRC GERICS FMI Indicator providers CMCC IS-ENES + CLIPC Processing scripts Apache HTTPD Proxy ICCLIM ClipCombine … … … … WMS WCS WPS CSW OpenDAP Storage API (basket) W3C PROV MyProxy X509 PyWPS (WPS) Impact data node THREDDS OpenDAP Discovery Catalogue Impactportal Java, Servlets, JSP Basket, Tokenapi, OpenID, OAuth2, OpenDap, Front-end Tomcat NetCDF-CF data FTP Upload Openlayers3 Visualization Access token Drupal CMS ADAGUC Server (WMS) ADAGUC Viewer (WMS) CSW Geonetworks Postgre SQL My SQL CLIPC Infrastructure Climate4impact infrastructure
IS-ENES + CLIPC Processing scripts CERFACS TUDO PIK SYKE KNMI JRC GERICS FMI Indicator providers CMCC IS-ENES + CLIPC Processing scripts Apache HTTPD Proxy ICCLIM ClipCombine … … … … WMS WCS WPS CSW OpenDAP Storage API (basket) W3C PROV MyProxy X509 PyWPS (WPS) Impact data node THREDDS OpenDAP Discovery Catalogue Impactportal Java, Servlets, JSP Basket, Tokenapi, OpenID, OAuth2, OpenDap, Front-end Tomcat NetCDF-CF data FTP Upload Openlayers3 Visualization Access token Drupal CMS ADAGUC Server (WMS) ADAGUC Viewer (WMS) CSW Geonetworks Postgre SQL My SQL CLIPC Infrastructure Climate4impact infrastructure
DKRZ developments Birdhouse can access WPS services at climate4impact Carsten Ehbrechts has extended Birdhouse frontend client to put in C4I access tokens C4I statuslocation has a “/” token in the URL, causing problems with owslib wps client, used by Birdhouse Our outputs are usually base64 encoded, causing problems with Birdhouse’s client Solution: use complex types?