Look Mom, no plate boundary! Hot Spots Look Mom, no plate boundary! Class Zone Animations
You must be in presentation mode Slide #2 You must be in presentation mode Click and play the “Ring of Fire Map” below Locate volcanoes and draw dots on your map. They most often occur on convergent plate boundaries Locate earthquakes and draw “X’s” on your map. They occur on most plate boundaries. Most tectonic activity is at plate boundaries! The most active region is called the “RING OF FIRE” Where are volcanoes that are NOT located on plate boundaries? Ring of Fire Map
Slide #3 Hawaiian Islands Map Record the ages of the volcanic Hawaiian Islands Hawaii is the only island with active volcanoes. No other Hawaiian islands have active volcanoes Hawaii is the only island over a HOT SPOT were magma from the mantle rises through the crust. There’s no plate boundary located here!
Slide #4 Draw a diagram that shows hot spot island formation… INACTIVE VOLCANO Oceanic Plate Hot Spot Magma Magma forms_________but the ocean plate _____ and carries the island with it! a volcano moves ACTIVE VOLCANO In a few million years, an ___________ is formed! Island chain Hot spot animation
Slide #4 Draw a diagram that shows hot spot island formation… INACTIVE VOLCANO Oceanic Plate Hot Spot Magma Magma forms_________but the ocean plate _____ and carries the island with it! a volcano moves ACTIVE VOLCANO In a few million years, an ___________ is formed! Island chain Hot spot animation
Slide #5 Locate OCEANIC HOT SPOTS on the ESRT tectonic plate map Hawaii Iceland Canary Islands Tasman Bouvet But hot spots can be on the continents too… Yellowstone Any volcanoes in Yellowstone? OF COURSE! And there are LOTS of geysers and hot springs! Someday… one of the largest volcanoes in the world will… Yellowstone Yellowstone Hot Stuff Super-volcano
Slide #6 1. How do volcanoes form at convergent plate boundaries? 2. How do volcanoes form at hot spots? 3. ESRT p5: In what compass direction is the Pacific plate moving? 4. Which Hawaiian island is the youngest? Oldest? 5. How do the ages of these islands show the direction of movement of the Pacific plate? 6. Where is the newest Hawaiian Island forming now? Why is it not visible?