Model Gwasanaeth Ardal Leol Arfaethedig/ Proposed Locality Service Model
Hunan-ofal ac atal / Self-care and prevention Claf / Patient Hunan-ofal ac atal / Self-care and prevention F E D C B A
F E D C B A A Claf / Patient B Teulu a Gofalwyr / Family & Carers Cefnogaeth i ofalwyr / Carers support
F E D C B A A Claf / Patient B Teulu a Gofalwyr / Family & Carers C Meddygfa a Fferyllfa Cymuned / GP Practice and Community Pharmacy Gwasanaethau Craidd / Core Services
F E D C B A A Claf / Patient B Teulu a Gofalwyr / Family & Carers C D Meddygfa a Fferyllfa Cymuned / GP Practice and Community Pharmacy D Meddygfa neu Glwstwr, a Gwasanaethau Cymuned / GP Practice or Cluster, and Community Services Gwasanaethau ychwanegol, timau amlddisgyblaethol, CCM / Enhanced Services, MDT’s, CCM
F E D C B A A Claf / Patient B Teulu a Gofalwyr / Family & Carers C D Meddygfa a Fferyllfa Cymuned / GP Practice and Community Pharmacy D Meddygfa neu Glwstwr, a Gwasanaethau Cymuned / GP Practice or Cluster, and Community Services E Campws Cymuned Ardal Leol / Locality Community Campus Diagnosteg, Adran Cleifion Allanol, Gofal Ychwanegol / Diagnostics, OPD, Enhanced Care
F E D C B A A Claf / Patient B C D E F Teulu a Gofalwyr / Family & Carers F E D C B A C Meddygfa a Fferyllfa Cymuned / GP Practice and Community Pharmacy D Meddygfa neu Glwstwr, a Gwasanaethau Cymuned / GP Practice or Cluster, and Community Services E Campws Cymuned Ardal Leol / Locality Community Campus F 2 Ardal Leol neu fwy / 2 or more Localities Gwasanaethau Estyn Allan Arbenigol / Specialist Outreach Services
Symud gwasanaethau i’r gymuned/ Shift of services to community settings Beth allen ni ei gyflawni?/What could we achieve? Mynediad gwell a mwy strwythuredig at delefeddygaeth a theleofal / Better, more structured access to telemedicine & telecare
Symud gwasanaethau i’r gymuned/ Shift of services to community settings Beth allen ni ei gyflawni?/What could we achieve? Increased outpatient contact Better access to diagnostic imaging – more tests, longer hours More therapy and support services - more services, longer hours Enhanced Minor Injury Services Increasing access to day case work – IVs, transfusions Mwy o gyswllt cleifion allanol Gwell mynediad at ddelweddu diagnostig – mwy o brofion, oriau hwy Mwy o wasanaethau therapi a chefnogaeth – mwy o wasanaethau, oriau hwy Gwasanaethau Mân Anafiadau ychwanegol Mwy o fynediad at waith achosion dydd – IV, trallwysiadau
Cemotherapi mewn ysbytai cymuned Gofal Diwedd Oes Symud Gwasanaethau ... syniadau a gweithredu/ Shifting of Services . . .some ideas & action Cemotherapi mewn ysbytai cymuned Gofal Diwedd Oes Gwasanaeth Poen Amlddisgyblaethol Profi yn y Pwynt Gofal Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl i blant ar lefel gofal cychwynnol Triniaeth Iechyd Meddwl yn y cartref Gofal dementia yn y gymuned Adsefydlu’r ysgyfaint Awdioleg Adsefydlu i oedolion Gwrthgeulo Agweddau o ofal diabetes Gwasanaeth Methiant y Galon yn y Gymuned Chemotherapy in community hospitals End of Life Care Multidisciplinary Pain Service Point of Care testing Mental Health Services for children at a primary care level Mental Health home treatment Community dementia care Pulmonary rehabilitation Adult Rehabilitative Audiology Anticoagulation Aspects of diabetes care Community Heart Failure Service
Yr Heriau/The Challenges Mynediad Mas critigol ar gyfer gwasanaethau Gallu a sgiliau o ran staffio Materion cyfalaf ac ystad Cyllid ac adnoddau sydd ar gael Access Critical mass for services Staffing capacity and skills Capital and estate issues Finance and resource availability