DO NOW What is total war? Why is it used? It is a justified war tactic?
1105: The Atomic Bomb 5/3
HW Germany falls Japan Falls The Battle of the Bulge V-E Day The invasion of Okinawa The Manhattan Project The atomic bomb V-J Day
Trinity Test
https://www. youtube. com/watch
FDR to Truman April 12, 1945 – FDR dies during 4th term VP Harry S. Truman becomes President
Dropping the Atomic Bomb - 1945 Potsdam Declaration - asks Japan for unconditional surrender or to face “utter destruction”
Only ½ die during the bombing. Between 150,000 and 246,000 killed. Only ½ die during the bombing.
V-J Day
Which image represents the end of WWII?
Atomic Bomb as a triumph vs. Atomic Bomb as victimization Let’s compare 2 historical narratives Which one do you agree with and why?
A-Bomb Document Work Create a T Chart – Victimization vs. Triumph Read each document and annotate for victimization or triumph categorize evidence from each document into one side of the t-chart When you finish, discuss the following questions with your workgroup: What justifies civilian death (if anything?) Is it possible for both of these narratives to exist simultaneously? Should Truman have dropped the atomic bomb ? Why or why not?
1. Which image best represents the end of WWII and why? 2. To what extent was the United States’ foreign policy decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki victimization or a triumph? Cite at least two documents.