Theme Map for Year 3: Spring 1 2016 Theme – Rumble and shake Home Learning set on Tuesdays and due back on the following Mondays. *Computer Science Design, write and debug programs. Algorithms for simple tasks. *Developing skills of playing hocky. *Play scripts – exploring features of play scripts, writing and directing our own. *Performance poetry – learning skills to write and perform. Please encourage your child to read each day *Developing confidence and ability in swimming. *Shape poems – creating poetry in a range of presentation formats. PE English Computing Geography *Comparing and grouping different kinds of rocks and recognising soils are made from rocks. Year 3 Rumble and shake *Volcanos and Earthquakes *Researching famous natural disasters and active volcanos. *Using atlases to find places and events around the world. Science Music *Describing how fossils are formed. PSHE Maths *Learning songs and dances for the Easter production. *Performing on stage. *Learning how to add and subtract numbers using the column technique, History *Animals and Us How we look after animals in and around our home. RE *Recognising angles as a property of a shape and identifying whether they are greater or less than a right angle. Art & DT *Exploring historical natural disasters and their impact. Solving problems including missing number problems involving multiplication and division. *Learning about Judaism *Using a variety of materials to create and construct volcanos and explore eruption. Trip – Science Museum