GradeBook Teacher What’s New in 16.2 What’s New in 16.2 GradeBook November, 2016 GradeBook Teacher What’s New in 16.2 “Allows efficient posting of grades and comments, the greatest improvement in teacher-parent communications.”
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Agenda Academic Standards improvement Floating Assignments *New Custom Preferences Class Order Home Page and Dashboard Assignments
16.1.4 What’s New in GradeBook Academic Standards > Arts improved
16.1.3 What’s New in GradeBook Floating Assignment Average was not recalculating
16.1.4 What’s New in GradeBook Class Dashboard New Icons
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Setup Custom Options
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Setup Preferences Set your Default options for all Assignments!
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Setup Preferences Set your Default options for all Assignments!
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Class Order Classes on the Home page display in the same order on the Class Dashboard Drop-Down When a teacher hovers over the Class Name on the Class Setup Screen A partial Class Roster will display, to assist with identifying the class
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Assignment Marks If an Assignment is marked Missing for a student The Teacher may also enter a 0 for the Mark
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook GradeBook Grid Extra Credit displays in RED!
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Assignment Marks Extra Credit displays in RED! 16.1.2
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook If receive an error screen Now a GradeBook Link to return back to the Home page
16.2 What’s New in GradeBook Student Profile If a student does not have a Homeroom in StudentInformation The Personal tab on the Student Profile will no longer display a classroom as the Homeroom for a student Averages – Overlapping Marking Periods If a class is tied to overlapping Marking Periods Averages will now recalculate properly Student showing “Requires Paper Copy” Has been corrected
16.1.x What’s New in GradeBook Email Address Teachers may now update their email with a email address that ends with more than 4 characters Such as 16.1.4
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