Warm-Up – WEEK 26 Write 3 sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: TRF’s DUE Wed/Thu Contact your mentor THIS WEEK to set up a meeting with them NEXT WEEK Career Oral Reports AFTER tutorials on Wed/Thu Today’s Agenda: Monday February 13, 2017 Warm-Up Career Oral Report Peer Review (If you have extra time) – continue working on your visual aid Essential Question: What can I? Objective: I will r.
Career Oral Report Peer Review Meet with your 2:00 partner You have 5:00 for BOTH of you read your oral report and complete the review form If your partner is not here today, come to the front table and find a new partner
Career Oral Report Peer Review Meet with your 3:00 partner You have 5:00 for BOTH of you read your oral report and complete the review form If your partner is not here today, come to the front table and find a new partner
Career Oral Report Peer Review Meet with your 4:00 partner You have 5:00 for BOTH of you read your oral report and complete the review form If your partner is not here today, come to the front table and find a new partner
Career Oral Report Peer Review Meet with your 5:00 partner You have 5:00 for BOTH of you read your oral report and complete the review form If your partner is not here today, come to the front table and find a new partner
Work on your visual aid Make sure your visual aid enhances your presentation and helps the class to better understand the career you are presenting
Warm-Up – WEEK 26 Write THREE sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: TRF’s DUE Wed/Thu Contact your mentor THIS WEEK to set up a meeting with them NEXT WEEK Career Oral Reports AFTER tutorials on Wed/Thu Today’s Agenda: Tuesday Feb. 14, 2017 Warm-Up Guest Speaker from ASU – Dr. Jennifer Murphy Essential Question: What can I learn about the programs offered at ASU? Objective: I will be an attentive listener and participant for our guest speaker?
Cornell Notes Get out a piece of paper and prepare to take Cornell Notes Heading: Name 2/14/17 AVID -5/6 Essential Question: What can I learn about the programs offered at ASU?
Wednesday/ Thursday
Warm-Up Write 3 sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Wed/Thu Feb 15/16, 2017 TRF’s DUE Wed/Thu Contact your mentor THIS WEEK to set up a meeting with them NEXT WEEK Career Oral Reports AFTER tutorials on Wed/Thu Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Tutorials Career Oral Reports Essential Question: How can I use collaborative inquiry to be successful in school? Objective: I will actively participate in my group tutorial.
Oral Report Grade Based On: Oral Report Grade Based On: Possible Points Career Research Data Sheet is filled in completely and turned in 10 Presentation Style makes eye contact with entire audience uses Career Fact Cards to guide presentation without simply reading cards speaks loudly, clearly, and with enthusiasm 40 Content presents the content from the Career Fact Cards presentation is about 2-3 minutes long 30 Visual Aid Visual aid enhances presentation Visual aid is no larger than an 8 ½ x 11 in. piece of paper 20 Total 100
Warm-Up Write 3 sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Fri Feb 17, 2017 Front page of Academic Contracts Due TUESDAY – Top information AND ALL SIGNATURES – 20 points Today’s Agenda: Warm-up GPA #5 Tutorial Reflection Academic Contracts Finish Career Oral Reports Essential Question: How am I going academically this quarter? Objective: 1) I will reflect on my GPA and my last 4 tutorials
Field Trip/Community Service Hours Opportunity
GPA #5 If you don’t know your previous GPA from 2nd quarter, look it up in your portfolio Make sure you set a GPA goal for the end of 3rd quarter Turn it in to the class basket
Tutorial Reflection Fill in the following dates on your Tutorial Reflection form: January 18 or 19 January 25 or 26 February 1 or 2 February 7 or 8 Turn it in to the class basket
Academic Contracts If you are not on an academic contract, you will be marked exempt in the grade book Page 1 is DUE TUESDAY IN CLASS for 20 points All information at the top of page 1 filled in – 10 points ALL SIGNATURES on the FRONT page – 10 points Next week is week 1 – BEFORE Friday 2/24, you must: Get grade check and signatures from ALL teacher’s from the classes you have Ds or Fs in Get your parent signature in your contract Get your parent signature on the CURRENT week in your planner