Grade 7 Farewell Celebrations
AGENDA Field Trips Sweatshirts Farewell Celebrations Volunteers Ceremony Afternoon Tea Dinner/Dance Fundraising Budgets Memory Books/Slide Show Volunteers
FIELD TRIPS Field Trips Planned for the year: (cost is approximate at this time) UBC Ropes Wednesday, November 9, 2016 $48/student Grouse Mountain – snowshoe/First Nations Presentation January (?) 2017 (Term 2) $35/student TBA Kayaking – Deep Cove Wednesday, June 14, 2016 $45/student TBA
CLASS OF 2017 SWEATSHIRTS Update from Mr. Johal Final call for all kids to get the logo signed Final call for all orders to be in Mr. Johal to send FINAL order tomorrow Kids should have them mid- to late-November
GRADE 7 FAREWELL CEREMONY Tuesday June 27, 2017 Farewell Ceremony in the gym from 1:00 to 2:00 PM (doors open at 12:45 PM) Tea in the basketball court area (outside) from 2:00 to 3:00 PM Decorations (School colours) Presentation of certificates and flowers Slide show Memory Books We will need volunteers for: Slideshow (2 people) Silhouettes (2 people) Decorations (2 or more) Memory Book (Karina, Parvin ….)
GRADE 7 TEA Traditionally organized by Grade 6 Parents (appies, refreshments) Paid for by donation of grade 6 and supplemented by Grade 7 fundraising (if needed) Volunteer for helping the Grade 6s organize (1-2 people)
DINNER & DANCE (for the Grade 7 Students only) Venue The View (top floor of School District Bldg) Cheque Drive ($50.00 per student) Food (catered) Menu – TBA Set-up Center pieces/Table settings Chaperones (5 dads and 5 moms) DJ Decorations (take from gym)
Venue : Dinner Menu The View (School District Bldg) Dinner Menu $4500 includes venue, food, DJ Dinner Menu Kid friendly menu Dietary restrictions (?)
Fundraising TOTAL = ~$9000 Volunteer list for each fundraiser. Poinsettia Sale Sales start week of October 31 Orders in by November 10 Flowers picked up on November 28 from Conference Room Average amount raised = $1000 Spring Plant Sale Date to be confirmed but around Mother’s Day week Car Wash Tentatively scheduled for Saturday in June 3, 2017 at Carson Graham Average amount raised = $1800 Cheque Drive $50/student = $4600 Hot Dog Day on Sports Day Friday, May 19, 2017 Average amount raised = $600 TOTAL = ~$9000 Volunteer list for each fundraiser.
FUNDRAISING 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 PAC donation $ 0 $2,500.00 $1,420.00 Poinsettias $2,133.85 $1,338.00 $1,064.00 Hot Dog Day (sports day) $ 639.22 Cookie Dough $ 789.82 (not done) $855.00 Spring Baskets $1,295.09 $863.00 $1,068.00 Car Wash $1,067.00 $1,900.00 $785.00 Cash for Clothes $ 555.00 no info Apparel $ 511.56 Cheque Drive TOTAL: $6,991.54 $7,174.00 $5,192.00
BUDGET: 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 Grade 7 Farewell Decorations (incl. below) Silhouettes nil Memory Books $1,911.73 (not done) Grade 7 Tea: Food & Decoration $600.00 Dinner & Dance: Venue & Dinner $3,269.82 $2,500.00 $1,911.50 DJ $500.00 $630.00 $100.00 $350.00 $146.62 Rec Centre rental (not needed) $217.12 Total Expenses: $6,380.82 $5,861.73 $3,505.24
2016/2017 Estimated Budget (From 72 students to 92) Memory Books $2,100.00 Dinner $4,000 DJ $500 Decorations $200 Car Wash $150 (Should be buckets and hoses from last year) Tea Reception $100 Recognition gifts for top sellers (car wash, poinsettia) $50 Contingency/Misc. $200 Legacy Gift TBD based on funds raised TOTAL FUNDS REQUIRED $7,300 estimate only
What is a Memory Book? Book to remember students’ Grade 7 year For Grade 7’s only Includes: Student Profiles Special School Events Class Fieldtrips Messages from principal and teachers It is not the Braemar Yearbook
Student Profiles Unique and personalized full page for each student. Opportunity to describe, in your own way, this moment in your life and to express it using words, pictures or images. Be creative and let your personality shine through.
We will place the info in this space Favourites Fill in attached sheet. We will place the info in this space Artwork
Examples Name
Examples Name
Timeline Nov ? – Presentation to Grade 7 classes Nov ?– Email sent with attachments of template, instructions, photo requirements, photo release form and favourites list November ? – Return profile, photo release, 2 pictures and favourites list via email. You can put hardcopies (in an envelope with student’s name) into an assigned box in each classroom. We prefer to have all forms and photos returned via email, but will accept printed copies.
Email Package Overview and Instructions Photo Release form Template Favourites list Photos needed (if sending hard copy, we will return them before spring break) Kindergarten and Grade 7 Baby Grade 7 Memory Book Committee Contacts Committee members: (?)
Volunteers Parent-Leaders = Alayna Mark and Lisa Nyman Gym Decorations (Filled) Silhouettes (Filled) Slideshow (2) Accountant (Filled) Fundraising = Poinsettias (Filled), Spring Baskets (Filled), Car Wash (Filled), Hot Dog Day (Filled) Dinner and Dance (Filled) = Alayna Mark and Lisa Nyman + 10 parent chaperones Legacy Gift (Filled) Grade 7 Tea (Filled) Grade 7 Memory Book (Filled)