New Product Introduction: EZ-PD CCG2: USB Type-C Cable Controller With PD CCG2 = Type-C Controller Gen2 Type-C = Reversible Slim USB Connector PD = Power Delivery Build Your USB 3.1 Type-C Cable With CCG2, An ARM Cortex-M0-based Controller Solution in a 3.3-mm2 CSP EZ-PD CCG2: USB Type-C Cable Controller With PD New Product Introduction Title 1
Terms You Will Hear Today USB Type-C (Type-C) A new standard with a slimmer and reversible USB plug, a reversible cable, multiple protocol support and 100-W PD Configuration Channel (CC) USB Type-C bus wire used to carry the PD protocol signals Dp, Dn USB Type-C bus wires used to transmit and receive USB 2.0 data TXp, TXn, RXp, RXn USB Type-C bus wires used to transmit and receive USB 3.0 and PCIe or DisplayPort data Sideband Use (SBU) The use of a USB Type-C bus wire for non-USB control signals, such as DisplayPort control signals Type-C Transceiver A transmitter/receiver that communicates over the CC Electronically Marked Cable Assembly (EMCA) A USB cable with an embedded IC that reports cable characteristics (e.g., current rating) to the Type-C ports VCONNECTOR (VCONN) USB Type-C bus wire used to power the controller in the EMCA VBUS USB Type-C bus wire used for system power; usually 5 V, but increased to 20 V on 100-W USB-PD systems USB-IF The USB Implementers Forum creates and maintains USB specifications USB 3.0 Type-C Plug GND RX2p RX2n VBUS Dn CC SBU1 Dp TX1n TX1p TX2p TX2n SBU2 VCONN RX1n RX1p 2.4 mm Terms of Art 2
Terms You Will Hear Today USB Power Delivery (USB-PD, PD) A new USB standard that increases power delivery over VBUS from 7.5 W to 100 W Both USB hosts (e.g. a PC) and USB devices (e.g. a hard disk drive) can act as either a Provider1 or a Consumer2 of power For example, a monitor can power a notebook, which in turn can power a tablet or a hard disk drive The USB-PD standard uses a dedicated CC wire to negotiate the Power Delivery configurations Downstream-Facing Port (DFP), Upstream-Facing Port (UFP), Dual-Role Port (DRP) DFP is a USB Type-C port on a host or a hub to which devices are connected UFP is a USB Type-C port on a device or a hub that connects to a host or a hub DFP DRP is a USB Type-C port that can operate as either a DFP or a UFP Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) A standard for the primary bus in a PC DisplayPort (DP) A digital display interface standard developed by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) Used primarily to connect a video source to a display, such as a monitor to a PC CCG2 A Cypress USB Type-C cable controller that complies with the latest USB Type-C and PD standards Uses Cypress’s proprietary technology with a 32-bit, 48-MHz ARM® Cortex® -M0 processor and 32KB flash Integrates a single Type-C Transceiver, termination resistors and system-level ESD (8-kV contact, 15-kV air) Available in 20-ball CSP (3.3-mm2), 14-pin DFN (8.7-mm2) and 24-pin QFN (16-mm2) packages Provides a complete, field-upgradable, one-chip, hardware and firmware solution for a USB Type-C EMCA 1 Provider: A Type-C port that sources power over VBUS 2 Consumer: A Type-C port that sinks power from VBUS Terms of Art 3
USB Type-C: Connector of the Future USB Type-A and Type-B are the current USB-IF standards, but they have limitations They use large connectors that prevent slim industrial designs (plug height: A = 4.5 mm; B = 10.4 mm) They require a fixed plug orientation and a fixed cable direction They carry only USB signals Power delivery implementation on them is complicated, expensive and limited to 7.5 W USB Type-C is the new USB-IF standard that solves these problems and enables: Slim industrial design with a 2.4-mm plug height Reversible plug orientation and cable direction Transport of both USB signals and PCIe or DisplayPort signals on the same connector Easy implementation of low-cost power delivery up to 100 W USB Type-C is the new, slimmer, all-in-one, 100-W connector USB Type-C – Combines all in one USB Micro-B DisplayPort Power USB Type-B USB Type-A 4.5 mm 10.4 mm 4.0 mm 4.7 mm 1.8 mm 2.4 mm Market Vision 4
USB Type-C Cable Controllers: A $140M Market by 2019 USB Type-C cable controllers are projected to grow from $25M in 2015 to $140M+ in 2019 at a 40% CAGR The USB Type-C port is universal: it is slimmer, reversible, handles multiple protocols and supports up to 100-W PD USB Type-C ports communicate with the cable to determine its power rating and supported protocols These cables must therefore be electronically marked to report their capabilities USB Type-C cable controllers address this market with a USB-IF certified solution that: Marks cables electronically with a controller IC embedded in the cable plug Reports cable characteristics, including power rating and supported protocols Multiplexes USB signals with PCIe or DisplayPort signals on the same cable Cypress has been “Making USB Universal®” since 1996 Cypress has shipped over 1.4 billion USB controllers Cypress has been a leading supplier in every generation of USB technology: USB 1.1, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 Type-C cables, the emerging standard for USB 3.0, require at least one controller in each cable EMCA Type-C Cable A Type-C Cable with a controller on both ends of the cable 1 Electronically Marked Cable Assembly: A USB cable with an IC that reports cable characteristics (e.g., current rating) to the Type-C ports Market Positioning 5
Design Problems Engineers Face Engineers need a cost-effective USB Type-C cable solution Dedicated controllers for EMCAs do not exist, forcing engineers to consider complex, expensive, do-it-yourself MCU solutions MCU-based solutions do not fit inside cable assemblies General-purpose MCUs require additional ICs and passives to implement a Type-C Transceiver Rapidly evolving USB standards make compliance and interoperability a challenge The USB Type-C and PD compliance test specifications are continually changing and won’t be finalized until late 2015 Cypress’s CCG2 USB Type-C cable controller solves these problems, providing: A cost-effective, dedicated controller for the USB Type-C EMCA market A Type-C Transceiver with integrated termination resistors and system-level ESD in a 3.3-mm2 CSP, ideal for cables An ARM Cortex-M0 with 32KB flash and fully compliant firmware that enables field upgrades as the USB-IF specification changes Bring your USB Type-C EMCA to market faster with CCG2, a small-footprint, reprogrammable, one-chip USB Type-C cable solution with fully compliant firmware Design Problems 6
CCG2 Simplifies Design, Reduces BOM A tiny 3.3-mm2 one-chip USB Type-C cable solution that Fits into the smallest paddle of a USB Type-C cable Requires only one resistor and four external capacitors to operate CCG2 Is a Tiny, Low-Cost USB Type-C Solution for EMCA VBUS VCONN1 VCONN2 VCONN1 0.1μF VCONN2 VCCD 0.1μF 1μF XRES VSS 4.7K Type-C Plug VDDD Type-C Cable VDDIO CC 1μF CC1 2 D+/D-2 4 TX+/TX-, RX+/RX-3 GND 1 Configuration Channel: USB Type-C bus wire used to carry the PD protocol signals 2 USB Type-C bus wires used to transmit and receive USB 2.0 data 3 USB Type-C bus wires used to transmit and receive USB 3.0 and PCIe or DisplayPort data Cypress Solution 7
CCG2 Is Programmable and Upgradable CCG2 can be upgraded to keep pace with changes in the USB-IF specification The ARM Cortex M0 and 32KB flash can be programmed anytime, anywhere using its Serial Wire Debug (SWD), I2C or CC1 wires Upgrading CCG2 Using SWD Upgrading CCG2 Using I2C Upgrading CCG2 Using CC Upgrade.EXE Click Here PSoC® Programmer MCU USB I2C CCG2 CCG2 SWD CC1 CCG2 Run PSoC Programmer software on a PC with a MiniProg3 USB dongle to program the CCG2. Typically used during product development. Use an MCU embedded in the USB Type-C cable/accessory or a production tester to program CCG2. Can be used on the production line or in the field. Use a PC running a firmware upgrade application to program CCG2 in the USB Type-C cable directly. Can be deployed by cable manufacturers to provide upgrades to the end user. 1 Configuration Channel: USB Type-C bus wire used to carry the PD protocol signals Cypress Solution 8
CCG2 Solution vs. Competition’s Feature CYPD2103-20FNXI (DIY1 Solution) LPC1102LVUKZ-ND CPU ARM CM0, 48 MHz ARM CM0, 50 MHz Flash2, SRAM 32KB, 4KB 32KB, 8KB Type-C Transceiver Yes No; Needs external components On-Chip Termination Resistors System-Level ESD ±8-kV Contact, ±15-kV Air Serial Interface Two I2C, SPI, UART I2C, SPI, UART Firmware USB-IF Compliant, field-upgradable Information not available Supply Voltage 2.7-5.5 V 1.8-3.6 V Low Power Deep Sleep: 2.5 μA Deep Sleep: 1.6 μA Package 20-ball, 3.3-mm2 CSP 25-ball, 4.5-mm2 CSP 1 Do it Yourself 2 Includes PD firmware Competitive Comparison 9
CCG2 Solution Value Competitor BOM Integration Additional Value $0.80 $0.10 $0.01 $0.21 $0.16 $0.08 $0.24 $1.25 Competitor Type C Controller: NXP LPC1102LVUK Price: $0.801 BOM Integration Systems Level ESD: ON Semi CM1230-02CP Price: $0.101 Opamp: Ti LM339DR Other Components: 7 Resistors, 1 Capacitor, 1 FET Price: $0.011 Additional Value USB-IF Compliant PD Protocol Stack: Saves eight man- weeks of engineering effort at $2K per man-week, amortized over 100,000 units Value Added: $0.16 Integrated Type-C PHY: Saves four man-weeks of engineering effort at $2K per man-week, amortized over 100,000 units Value Added: $0.08 Competitor Systems Level ESD Opamp Other Components BOM Integration Value USB-IF Compliant PD Protocol Stack Integrated Type-C PHY Total Additional Value Total Value Delivered CCG2 Solution Value new: Total Cost: 20% Total Savings: CYPD2103-20FNXI $1.001 $0.25 1 Estimated 100ku pricing Pricing 10
CCG2: USB Type-C Port Controller Applications Block Diagram USB Type-C EMCA, Powered Accessories, UFP, DFP, DRP CCG2: USB Type-C Cable Controller Features MCU Subsystem Integrated Digital Blocks I/O Subsystem 32-bit MCU Subsystem 48-MHz ARM® Cortex® -M0 CPU with 32KB flash and 4KB SRAM to support firmware upgrades Integrated Digital Blocks Integrated timers, counters and pulse-width modulators Two SCBs1 configurable to I2C, SPI or UART modes Type-C Support Integrated transceiver, supporting one Type-C port Integrated DFP (RP2), UFP (RD3), EMCA (RA4) termination resistors Power Delivery (PD) Support Standard power profiles Low-Power Operation Two independent VCONN rails with integrated isolation Independent supply voltage pin for GPIO5 2.7-V to 5.5-V operation Sleep: 2.0 mA; Deep Sleep: 2.5 µA System-Level ESD on CC6 and VDD Pins ±8-kV contact, ±15-kV Air Gap IEC61000-4-2 level 4C Packages 20-ball, 3.3-mm2 CSP with 0.4-mm ball pitch 14-pin 2.5mm x 3.5mm DFN with 0.6mm pin pitch 24-pin 4mm x 4mm QFN with 0.55mm pin pitch CC7 TCPWM6 VCONN1 SCB1 (I2C, SPI, UART) Cortex-M0 48 MHz VCONN2 SCB1 (I2C, SPI, UART) VDDIO GPIO5 Port Profiles and Configurations Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB) Flash (32KB) Programmable I/O Matrix Baseband MAC Baseband PHY SRAM (4KB) Integrated RP2, RD3, RA4 Serial Wire Debug 6 Timer, counter, pulse-width modulation block 7 Configuration Channel Collateral Availability Preliminary Datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet Samples: Now Production: June 2015 1 Serial communication block configurable as UART, SPI or I2C 3 Termination resistor read as a UFP 5 General-purpose input/output 2 Termination resistor read as a DFP 4 Termination resistor read as an EMCA Product Overview 11
Getting Started With CCG2 1. Buy the $40 CY4502 EZ-PD CCG2 Development Kit: The kit enables simple, rapid development for USB Type-C EMCA Includes both passive and active EMCA solutions Provides direct access to all device GPIOs 2. Download the Hardware Design Guidelines for CCG2 App Note : USB-PD, USB Type-C Demo Kit 3.54” 1.14” Getting Started 12
APPENDIX Appendix 13
References and Links Product datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet Product roadmap: USB Roadmap CY4502 EZ-PD CCG2 Development Kit: CCG2 Development Kit Product demo video: CCG2 Demo Video App Note: Hardware Design Guidelines for CCG2 (AN95599) Knowledge Base Article: CCG2 Knowledge Base USB 3.1 specification, including Type-C: USB Power Delivery specification: Visit the CCG2 product webpage for additional details References and Links 14
Type-C product applies to any USB speed USB Portfolio Device Hub Bridge Host Storage Type-C USB 3.0 CYUSB301x FX3 32-Bit Bus to USB 3.0 ARM9, 512KB RAM CYUSB33xx HX3 4 Ports, Shared Link™1 BC 1.22, Ghost Charge™3 CYUSB306x CX3 CSI-24 to USB 3.0 4 CSI-24 Lanes, 1 Gbps/Lane CYUSB303x FX3S 16-Bit Bus to USB 3.0 RAID5, Dual SDXC6/eMMC7 CYPD1xxx CCG1 USB Type-C Port Controller 2 PD Ports, 5 Profiles, 100 W DX3 USB 3.0 to DSI8 TX Contact Sales NEW Q315 CYUSB302x SD3 SDXC6/eMMC7 to USB 3.0 RAID5 NEW CYPD2xxx CCG2 USB Type-C Cable Controller 1 PD Port, Termination, ESD Q215 GX3 USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Contact Sales NEW Q215 CCG3 USB Type-C Port Controller Contact Sales NEW Q415 USB 2.0 CY7C6801x/53 FX2LP 16-Bit Bus to USB 2.0 8051, 16KB RAM CY7C656x4 HX2VL 4 Ports 4 Transaction Translators CYWB016xBB Bay™ HS USB OTG Dual SDXC6/eMMC7 CYWB0x2xABS Arroyo™, Astoria™ 16-Bit Bus to USB 2.0 8051, Dual SD/eMMC7 CY7C68003 TX2UL ULPI9 PHY 13, 19.2, 24, 26 MHz CY7C656x1 HX2LP 4 Ports, Industrial Grade 1 Transaction Translator CY7C6803x NX2LP NAND Flash to USB 2.0 8051, 15KB RAM CY7C683xx AT2LP Parallel ATA to USB 2.0 8051 Type-C product applies to any USB speed USB 1.1 CY7C638xx enCoRe™ II M8C MCU, 20 GPIOs SPI, 8KB Flash CY7C6521x USB-Serial UART/SPI/I2C to USB 2 Channels, CapSense® SL811HS FS USB Host/Device 256Byte RAM CY7C64215 enCoRe III M8C MCU, 50 GPIOs, ADC I2C/SPI, 16KB Flash CY7C65213 USB-to-UART (Gen 2) 3 Mbps, 8 GPIOs CY7C67300 EZ-Host 4 Ports, FS USB OTG 32 GPIOs CY7C643xx enCoRe V M8C MCU, 36 GPIOs, ADC I2C/SPI, 32KB Flash CY7C64225 USB-to-UART (Gen 1) 230 Kbps CY7C67200 EZ-OTG™ 2 Ports, FS USB OTG 25 GPIOs 1 Simultaneous USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 traffic on the same port 2 Battery Charging specification v1.2 3 Enables USB charging without host connection 4 Camera Serial Interface v2.0 5 Redundant array of independent disks 6 SD extended capacity 7 Embedded MultiMedia Card 8 Display Serial Interface 9 UTMI low-pin interface Production Development QQYY Availability Sampling Concept Status Roadmap 15
Passive EMCA1 With Two CCG2 CCG2 Solution Example: Passive EMCA1 With Two CCG2 Cypress Solution Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Type-C cables will start converting to EMCA by mid-2015 EMCA must support the Power Delivery (PD7) protocol Cable solutions must be turnkey for ease of design Solutions must be reprogrammable to keep up with USB-IF standards A high level of integration is required to reduce the BOM Solutions must be in a package that fits in a cable assembly CCG2 Solution Supports Type-C EMCA with an ARM® Cortex®-M0 controller Supports PD protocol for EMCA with 32KB flash Ships with USB-IF certified factory-programmed firmware Supports field upgrades with free, fully compliant firmware Integrates transceiver, termination resistors and system ESD Available in 3.3-mm2 CSP and 8.7mm2 DFN packages Passive EMCA1 With One CCG2 Per Cable Plug VBUS4 2 Data Lines (USB SuperSpeed, USB Hi-Speed, PCIe2, DisplayPort3) 12 CC5 VCONN6 VCONN6 Type-C Plug Type-C Plug CCG2 CYPD2103-20FNXI CCG2 CYPD2103-20FNXI Secure EEPROM 2 2 Secure EEPROM I2C I2C GND 2 Webpage: CCG2 Web page Datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet App Note: Getting Started with CCG2 Demo Kit: CCG2 EMCA Development Kit Suggested Collateral Passive EMCA1 with CCG2 An EMCA1 that supports the PD protocol. A CCG2 is embedded at each end of the cable and is powered individually by the USB Type-C port at each end. Get a CCG2 EMCA Development Kit How To Get Started 1 Electronically Marked Cable Assembly without a re-driver 4 The power wire inside a USB cable 2 Peripheral Component Interconnect Express is an interface standard for connecting peripherals 5 Configuration Channel 3 A display interface standard developed by the Video Electronics Standards 6 USB Type-C bus wire used to power the IC in the EMCA Association used primarily to connect a video source to a display such as a computer monitor 7 A new USB standard that increases power delivery over VBUS from 7.5 W to 100 W Solution Example 16
Passive EMCA1 With One CCG2 CCG2 Solution Example: Passive EMCA1 With One CCG2 Cypress Solution Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Type-C cables will start converting to EMCA by mid-2015 EMCA must support the Power Delivery (PD7) protocol Cable solutions must be turnkey for ease of design Solutions must be reprogrammable to keep up with USB-IF standards A high level of integration is required to reduce the BOM Solutions must be in a package that fits in a cable assembly CCG2 Solution Supports Type-C EMCA with an ARM® Cortex® -M0 controller Supports PD protocol for EMCA with 32KB flash Ships with USB-IF certified factory-programmed firmware Supports field upgrades with free, fully compliant firmware Integrates transceiver, termination resistors and system ESD Available in 3.3-mm2 CSP and 8.7mm2 DFN packages Passive EMCA1 With One CCG2 Per Cable VBUS4 2 Data Lines (USB SuperSpeed, USB Hi-Speed, PCIe2, DisplayPort3) 12 CC5 VCONN6 Near VCONN6 Far Type-C Plug Type-C Plug CCG2 CYPD2103-20FNXI Secure EEPROM 2 I2C GND 2 Suggested Collateral Webpage: CCG2 Web page Datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet App Note: Getting Started with CCG2 Video: CCG2 Demo Video Demo Kit: CCG2 EMCA Development Kit Passive EMCA1 with CCG2 A lower-cost implementation of EMCA1 that supports the PD protocol. A CCG2 is embedded at only one end of the cable and is powered by either USB Type-C port at each end. How To Get Started Get a CCG2 EMCA Development Kit 1 Electronically Marked Cable Assembly without a re-driver 4 The power wire inside a USB cable 2 Peripheral Component Interconnect Express is an interface standard for connecting peripherals 5 Configuration Channel 3 A display interface standard developed by the Video Electronics Standards 6 USB Type-C bus wire used to power the IC in the EMCA Association used primarily to connect a video source to a display such as a computer monitor 7 A new USB standard that increases power delivery over VBUS from 7.5 W to 100 W Solution Example 17
Active EMCA1 CCG2 Solution Example: Cypress Solution Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Type-C cables will start converting to EMCA by mid-2015 EMCA must support the Power Delivery (PD7) protocol Cable solutions must be turnkey for ease of design Solutions must be reprogrammable to keep up with USB-IF standards A high level of integration is required to reduce the BOM Solutions must be in a package that fits in a cable assembly CCG2 Solution Supports Type-C EMCA with an ARM® Cortex® -M0 controller Supports PD protocol for EMCA with 32KB flash Ships with USB-IF certified factory-programmed firmware Supports field upgrades with free, fully compliant firmware Integrates transceiver, termination resistors and system ESD Available in a 3.3-mm2 CSP Active EMCA1 VBUS4 2 Data Lines (USB SuperSpeed, USB Hi-Speed, PCIe2, DisplayPort3) 12 12 Re-driver CCG2 CYPD2105-20FNXI Secure EEPROM 2 2 Type-C Plug I2C GPIOs Type-C Cable VCONN6 Near VCONN6 Far CC5 GND 2 Suggested Collateral Webpage: CCG2 Web page Datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet App Note: Getting Started with CCG2 Video: CCG2 Demo Video Demo Kit: CCG2 EMCA Development Kit Active EMCA1 with CCG2 An EMCA1 that includes an embedded re-driver to extend the cable length. How To Get Started Get a CCG2 EMCA Development Kit 1 Electronically Marked Cable Assembly with a re-driver 4 The power wire inside a USB cable 2 Peripheral Component Interconnect Express is an interface standard for connecting peripherals 5 Configuration Channel 3 A display interface standard developed by the Video Electronics Standards 6 USB Type-C bus wire used to power the IC in the EMCA Association used primarily to connect a video source to a display such as a computer monitor 7 A new USB standard that increases power delivery over VBUS from 7.5 W to 100 W Solution Example 18
USB Type-C to HDMI1 Dongle Solution CCG2 Solution Example: USB Type-C to HDMI1 Dongle Solution Cypress Solution Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Legacy displays have HDMI1 and not Type-C Solutions must be turnkey for ease of design Solutions must be reprogrammable to keep up with USB-IF standards Solutions must be highly integrated to lower BOM cost Solutions must be in a package that fits in a cable assembly CCG2 Solution Supports Type-C to HDMI1 with an ARM® Cortex®-M0 controller and 32KB flash Ships with USB-IF compliant factory-programmed firmware Supports field upgrades with free, fully compliant firmware Integrates Type-C transceiver, supports multiple protocols Available in a 3.3-mm2 CSP USB Type-C HDMI Dongle Data Lines (USB SuperSpeed, USB Hi-Speed, DisplayPort2) 12 10 DisplayPort2 to HMDI1 Bridge USB Hi-Speed 2 8 CCG2 CYPD2104-20FNXI Secure EEPROM 2 2 USB Device Controller 2 HDMI1 Type-C Plug I2C GPIOs HDMI1 Plug I2C VCONN4 CC3 GND 2 Suggested Collateral Webpage: CCG2 Web page Datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet App Note: Getting Started with CCG2 Video: CCG2 Demo Video Demo Kit: CCG2 EMCA Development Kit USB Type-C HDMI Dongle A notebook PC accessory that converts a USB Type-C port to an HDMI output to connect a monitor. How To Get Started Get a CCG2 EMCA Development Kit 1 High Definition Multimedia Interface 3 Configuration Channel 2 A display interface standard developed by the Video Electronics Standards Association 4 USB Type-C bus wire used to power the IC in the EMCA used primarily to connect a video source to a display such as a computer monitor Solution Example 19
AC Adapter Primary Side AC to DC Power Conversion CCG2 Solution Example: Type-C Power Adapter Cypress Solution Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Power Adapter designers want a Type-C solution now Short time-to-market demands programmable solutions Solutions must be turnkey for ease of design Solutions must be highly integrated to lower BOM cost Solutions must be reprogrammable to keep up with USB-IF standards Industry standards demand low power for no-load conditions CCG2 Solution Provides Type-C solution with Power Delivery (PD1) today Includes an ARM® Cortex®-M0 with 32KB flash Ships with USB-IF compliant factory-programmed firmware Integrates Type-C Transceiver, termination resistors and system ESD protection Supports field upgrades with free, fully compliant firmware Delivers low power: Deep Sleep 2.5 µA Type-C Power Adapter with CCG2 AC Adapter Primary Side AC to DC Power Conversion USB Type-C Captive Cable Assembly9 VOUT2 FET VBUS3 20-V to 3.3-V Regulator Gate Driver FET VDD VBUS_CTRL5 VBUS_DIS6 VBUS_MON8 CCG2 CYPD2134-24LQXI VSEL4 CC7 GND Suggested Collateral Webpage: CCG2 Web page Datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet Video: CCG2 Demo Video Type-C Power Adapter with CCG2 CCG2 supports all PD Profiles required for a 100-W power adapter How To Get Started Contact Sales for CCG2 Client Development board 1 A new USB standard that increases power delivery over VBUS from 7.5 W to 100 W 6 Signal to control VBUS discharge FET 2 DC output voltage of the AC adapter 7 Configuration Channel is the USB Type-C bus wire used to carry the PD protocol signals 3 The power wire of the USB bus 8 VBUS monitoring node for Over-Voltage and Under-voltage protection 4 Output voltage selection 9 A cable permanently attached to the AC adapter 5 Signal to control VBUS load Solution Example 20
Type-C Notebook CCG2 Solution Example: Cypress Solution Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Notebook designers want a Type-C solution now Short time-to-market demands programmable solutions Solutions must be turnkey for ease of design Solutions must be highly integrated to lower BOM cost Solutions must be reprogrammable to keep up with USB-IF standards Video, data and power use multiple types of connectors CCG2 Solution Provides Type-C solution with Power Delivery (PD1) today Includes an ARM® Cortex®-M0 with 32KB flash Ships with USB-IF compliant factory-programmed firmware Integrates Type-C Transceiver, termination resistors and system ESD protection Supports field upgrades with free, fully compliant firmware Routes video, data and power over one Type-C connector Type-C Notebook with CCG2 VCONN7 VCONN Supply 2 FETs USB Type-C Receptacle VBUS4 BCC2 Battery Gate Driver 2 FETs VCONN_CTRL10 VBUS_MON9 I2C 2 3 VBUS_CTRL6 FET_CTRL5 CCG2 CYPD2122-24LQXI CC8 EC3 3 I2C 2 USB Host on Motherboard 6 MUX 10 Data Lines DisplayPort on Motherboard 8 Suggested Collateral Webpage: CCG2 Web page Datasheet: CCG2 Datasheet Video: CCG2 Demo Video Type-C Notebook with CCG2 CCG2 supports both PD provider and consumer roles, allowing a notebook to provide power to or consume power from its Type-C port How To Get Started Contact Sales for CCG2 Host Development board 1 A new USB standard that increases power delivery over VBUS from 7.5 W to 100 W 7 The power wire of the USB Type-C bus that is used to power the IC in the EMCA. An 2 Battery charge controller Electronically Marked Cable Assembly (EMCA ) is a USB cable with an IC that reports 3 Embedded controller is the keyboard controller, often used as a general-purpose MCU cable characteristics (e.g., current rating) to the Type-C ports 4 The power wire of the USB bus 8 Configuration Channel is the USB Type-C bus wire used to carry the PD protocol signals 5 Signals to control VBUS and VCONN switch FETs 9 VBUS monitoring node for Over-Voltage and Under-voltage protection 6 Signal to control the provide and consumer VBUS load 10 VCONN control signal to turn on VCONN Solution Example 21
CCG2 Product Selector Guide Part Number Application Type-C Ports OCP OVP Termination Resistor Role Package CYPD2103-20FNXIT Passive EMCA1 1 No RA4 Cable 20-CSP CYPD2103-14LHXIT 14-DFN CYPD2105-20FNXIT Active EMCA2 CYPD2104-20FNXIT Accessory3 RA4, Rd5 UFP CYPD2122-20FNXIT Tablet RP6, Rd5 DRP CYPD2122-24LQXIT Notebook 24-QFN CYPD2134-24LQXIT DFP RP6 CYPD2120-24LQXIT Part Numbering Decoder CY PD X X X X - XX XX X I Temperature Range: I = Industrial Lead: X = Lead-free Package Type: LQ = QFN, FN = CSP, PV = SSOP, LH = DFN Number of pins in the package System Use: Unique combination of role and termination4,5 Feature: Unique combination of OCP, OVP (0 = No, No; 1 = Yes, No; 2 = No, Yes; 3 = Yes, Yes) Number of Type-C ports: 1 = 1 Port, 2 = 2 Port Product Type: 1 = First generation, 2 = Second generation Marketing Code: PD = Power Delivery product family Company ID: CY = Cypress 1 Electronically Marked Cable Assembly without a re-driver 4 Termination resistor denoting an EMCA 2 Electronically Marked Cable Assembly with a re-driver 5 Termination resistor denoting an UFP or Accessory 3 A dongle for bridging Type-C to Type-A, Type-B, Display Port, HDMI or Thunderbolt 6 Termination resistor denoting a DFP Product Selector Guide 22