Spring Learning in Year 4 Numeracy Please see attached a copy of the Year 4 maths learning objectives and targets. This term we will be focusing on learning to: Count in 8’s and 9’s Compare and order negative numbers Identifying, comparing and ordering angles A formal method of multiplication Using a formal method for addition and subtraction Read and write the 24 hour clock Literacy This term in Literacy your child will be learning to: Spelling Some children in Year 4 will be continuing and reviewing their phonic letters and sounds to help with their spelling in Read, Write, Inc sessions. Other children will be continuing with the Read, Write, Inc Spelling scheme and securing their spelling or tricky orange words and words with prefixes and suffixes. Handwriting Children in year 4 will be reviewing letter formation with the Nelson handwriting scheme. We will also be continuing with the joins and joined up writing they have started to use and learning new joins. Sentence work Use commas to mark clauses in sentences. Use full punctuation for direct speech Apostrophes to mark singular and plural possession Use capital letters for proper nouns Texts and literacy topics Children will be learning to write different styles of texts through our ‘Talk For Writing’. This will include newspaper reports, persuasive writing and instructions. They will also be learning about stories from other cultures and European legends. Reading Children will continue to learn to read with fluency and expression and to answer questions about given texts. We will be focusing more heavily on children learning to answer questions through inference and deduction of texts. How can you help? Home readers Your child will be heard read their home reading book and have their books changed when it is finished. Please read with them every day as this makes a big difference to your child's learning. Talk about the book and ask them questions to support their understanding of the texts they are reading.
Year 4 Learning Overview Spring 2016 – Europe Science States of Matter History Europe. Personal , Social & Health Education and Citizenship Confident and Shy Needed and Lonely Religious Education Barriers and Bridges – Religion overviews Jesus the Teacher Design Techonology Food Technology Art Painting- Salvador Dali Computing We are Musicians– using ‘Scratch’ We are HTML editors - using ‘Scratch’ Music Singing in a group and individually European music Things to remember ! Reading – Please remind your child to bring their book each day. Library - Children will visit the school library each week, children can only choose a new book if they return their last book. To secure spelling. Homework Alongside home reading books, which should be shared daily wherever possible, Year 4 children will receive maths and spelling homework each Friday to be completed for the following Friday.