Maths - Reading, writing longer numbers with 4-6 digits - We will use place value and partitioning to help us with adding. - Ordering numbers and beginning to develop an understanding of the meaning of decimal numbers - Focus on mental maths – particularly adding and subtracting two-digit numbers quickly in context - Topic maths - Negative numbers in the context of the weather and finding the difference between various temperatures across the world. Art /DT - Studying the work of Hokusai and his work on Mount Etna. We will use oil pastels to create work based on his style. We will create a 3D papier mache volcano which will erupt and produce lava! - Literacy - Report writing in the role of a storm chaser. We will focus on short snappy sentences with the correct use of the full stop - Adventure story writing about being caught in a storm whilst on board a boat. We will take inspiration from Michael Morpurgo’s ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. - Poetry about weather disasters, focusing on similes and imagery. Explanation writing about how volcanoes erupt. We will focus on the past tense. PSHE Establish rules and responsibilities for the classroom and rewards for good behaviour and excellent effort. What a Disaster! Year 4 Curriculum Map 3rd September – 24th October 2012 Science Understanding that the length of shadows change throughout the day and how they are formed - Develop understanding of the harmful effects of the sun and solar energy Measuring rain fall and presenting data on a line graph. RE Comparing Hinduism with Christianity, focusing on the similarities and differences of beliefs and Gods. ICT Presenting data showing rainfall in a line graph on Textease. We will also collect information about the Richter scale and various earthquakes around the world, presenting them in Textease Spreadsheet. Geography - Use a rain gauge to measure rainfall - Investigate the effects of natural disasters on a community - Use maps to locate cities of the world and further our understanding of why natural disasters occur PE -We will experiment with two elements of dance: levels and dynamics. We will rehearse, compose and evaluate our routines and perform them to music - The children learn ball skills in cricket with a visiting sports teacher Music - Compose our own rhythmic ostinati and devise rhythmic patterns - Listen to various musical elements focusing on rhythms and time signatures.