English Inspire Morning December 2015 Seely Primary School English Inspire Morning December 2015
Timetable 9:05 – 9:10 Welcome / Introduction 9:10 – 9:30 Presentation –English 2014 Curriculum 9:30 – 10:15 Observation of English activities in classrooms 10:15 – 10:30 Questions Evaluation Depart
“At Seely we want all children to enjoy English and achieve their full potential.” It is about more than enjoyment, we want children to enjoy it because it will help them do well. Reading is one of the most important skills that a child can have because it affects the way they learn and how well they are able to perform in all other subjects where they need to read questions or information or tasks. Also an indispensable skill outside of school whatever they choose to do so we hope by focussing on reading the children will get better at it, will enjoy it, it will benefit every other subject and with luck we will give children a skill which they can benefit from for the rest of their lives.
Overview The new programme of study for English is knowledge based – this means that its focus is on knowing facts rather than developing skills and understanding. There is an increased emphasis on technical aspects of language and less on being creative.
Coverage English is set out in year by year expectations for Year 1 and Year 2. They have merged Year 3 and Year 4 expectations and done the same with Year 5 and Year 6. There are separate appendices for specific content to be covered in the areas of spelling and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
Programme of Study The learning objectives have been organised under new headings. Spoken word Reading – word and comprehension Writing – transcription (SPaG) - composition (plan, draft, edit, proof read)
Key Facts Reading is to be taught mainly using phonic strategies. (not as much emphasis on ‘sight vocabulary’) ‘Spoken language’ has been slimmed down and is not age differentiated SPaG is much more specific and the content is more advanced There are more objectives to cover within the writing process
Key Facts Continued … There is a huge emphasis on reading for pleasure Re-reading books because you have enjoyed them is encouraged There is an emphasis on enjoying and learning poetry There is more emphasis on writing dictated sentences and summarising texts.
Communication Language Literacy Development (CLLD) In the Foundation stage, children learn the basic phonic representation of all 44 sounds in the English Language. They learn to read and to write them. Regular practice at home as well as at school is essential to a successful start. The programme is designed to be: Systematic Multi-sensory Interactive Enable children to encode and decode
Progress in Reading Learning sounds Reading Scheme Free Reader Independent Reader In the process, children move from learning to read, to reading to learn.
Teaching Reading Whole Class Teaching Group Tasks Cross-Curricular Activities Independent Reading Guided Reading Comprehension Tasks
Assessment Focus for Reading
Teaching Writing Daily English lessons Two to three week teaching blocks focussing on a genre of writing Children are immersed in a range of texts Analysis of key features Group / guided writing Independent writing Editing and improving Final drafts
Independent Writing / Creative Writing In addition to daily English lessons Gives the children the opportunity to apply skills learnt in lessons High quality stimulus Forms part of the writing portfolio (Assessment)
Handwriting In school we use the Nelson Thornes Handwriting Scheme The Four Joins 1. to letters without ascenders 2. to letters with ascenders 3. horizontal joins 4. horizontal joins to letters with ascenders The break letters (letters that aren’t joined from) are: b g j p q x y z s
SPaG Is taught both discreetly as part of English units and in stand alone lessons. Much bigger focus on knowing terminology. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/244216/English_Glossary.pdf
Helping at home Regular practice of phonics in EYFS and KS1 Reading together – sharing stories and listening to your child read Talking about what you are reading/ watching Write about activities you do Have a purpose for writing – recipes, instructions, letters etc. Identify word classes in books you are reading –what effect does this have on the author?
Websites http://www.wordsforlife.org.uk/ http://www.welovetoread.co.uk/parents.asp https://www.literacyshed.com/ http://www.storynory.com/ http://www.cybergrammar.co.uk/