St Paul’s Church of England Combined School State of the Union Address “The address reports on the condition of the nation and allows the President to outline national priorities.”
Our Mission Statement St Paul’s Church of England Combined School will provide its pupils with the environment, opportunities and skills necessary to prepare them to be citizens of the 21st Century.
Successes Parentmail Uniform! School Values defined Development of the role of the Governing Body in strategic leadership Growth Mindset parent open days Newsletter Partnership with Church and other schools Providing 30 hours nursery care Standards
Standards Key Stage Two Subject % of pupils working at the Expected Standard + (inc at Greater Depth) % of pupils working at Expected Standard (inc at Greater Depth) Reading Writing and Maths Combined Average Scaled Score St Paul’s national English Reading 94% 71% 72% 61% 107.7 104 English Writing (TA) 84% 76% Mathematics 78% 75% 104.6 Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar 91% 77% 107.3 106 Subject % of pupils working at Greater Depth % of pupils working at Greater Depth in RWM Combined St Paul’s national English Reading 38% 25% 9% English Writing (TA) 13% Mathematics 23% Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar 31%
% of pupils reaching the Expected Standard + (including Greater Depth) Standards Key Stage One Subject % of pupils reaching the Expected Standard + (including Greater Depth) 2017 English Reading 83% English Writing 73% Mathematics 70%
Unity, Family, Belonging, Community Values Courage Respect Hope Enjoyment Unity, Family, Belonging, Community “And now these remain, faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13
School Development Plan Priority 1 Raising standards in writing across the curriculum Priority 2 Raising standards in Maths including at greater depth Priority 3 Developing our pupils as independent learners Priority 4 To cultivate greater partnership with other schools Priority 5 To develop the Christian distinctiveness of the school Priority 6 To improve continuous provision in Early Years to ensure quality learning experiences Priority 7 To devise, develop and evaluate a new PSHE curriculum which is relevant and effective for the development of all children
Home-School Partnership This evening! Parentmail Open days Parent consultations Ongoing dialogue Exploiting skills
St Paul’s Church of England Combined School Growing in strength, wisdom and faith.
Reception Year 1 Year 4 Year 3 Year 6 Year 2 Year 5 To classes! Reception Year 1 Year 4 Year 3 Year 6 Year 2 Year 5
St Paul’s Church of England Combined School Growing in strength, wisdom and faith.
St Paul’s Church of England Combined School Thank you for coming!