Year 4 2016-17 Mirage & Prism
Staff in year 4 Miss Walker Miss Hall Mrs Jones Mrs Horsfall Mrs Pollard Mrs Hassall Mrs Hutchinson (Mrs Fox, Mrs Wharton)
Uniform Label uniform/ PE kit Water bottle Break time snack(children can only bring fruit, vegetable or a piece of cheese for their break time snack. Fruit winders, breakfast bars or similar are not allowed). After School clubs
Behaviour Expectations Manner in and around school Listening skills Presentation across all books Effort Attitude
Curriculum topic areas Autumn 1- Romans & Digestion/ teeth Autumn 2- Hinduism & States of matter Spring 1- Anglo- Saxons & Sound Spring 2- The active planet Summer 1- Sustainability & Living things Summer 2 –Bright Sparks
Routines PE- Monday and swimming -Wednesday Reading , times tables, no nonsense spelling Homework book
Ways to support your child Reading No – nonsense spelling Maths (times tables/ number facts), Mathletics Handwriting Topic (over the half term) English/ Maths weekly homework
Assessment systems Maths Hub- each term Pira Reading tests- each term Half termly SPAG tests Weekly spelling, mental maths and times table tests Writing- teacher assessment each half term
Expectations Joined up writing= pen license All multiplication and division facts to 12x Year 3/4 spellings and letter patterns Written methods for all four operations
Apply for free school meals If you’re on benefits, your child may be entitled to free school meals in which you could save £420 per year per child. Your child might be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following: Income support Income- based Jobseeker’s allowance Universal Credit Income- related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Guaranteed element of Pension Credit Child Tax Credit 9provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190 Working Tax Credit run on- paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit To find out if you are eligible ask the school office or call Leeds Revenues and Benefits Service on 0113 2224404
Open door Come and see us if you have any questions, queries or concerns. Any questions?