OVERVIEW Our learning environment Maths overview Literacy overview RE overview Other curriculum subjects Expectations in Year 4 Home learning Safeguarding E-safety Communication YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG
OUR INSPIRING ENVIRONMENT – Mr David Independence – bum-bags, mild-spicy-hot, peer/self assessment Respect – furniture, class rules and learning environment rules Enthusiasm – growth mindset Collaboration – talk partners, ask 3 then me Team teaching – differentiated inputs and teacher roles. Our learning muscles – Monday choose a new muscle, link learning and effort to muscles YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG
MATHS IN Y4 – Miss D’Arcy Hot, Spicy, Mild Challenging YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG MATHS IN Y4 – Miss D’Arcy Hot, Spicy, Mild Challenging Mastery of concepts Third year of the new curriculum Application of skills – real life problem solving Essential skills
LITERACY IN Y4 – Miss Yates Varied and rich vocabulary – high quality texts Writing stamina – extended writing Complex sentences (more than one clause) and punctuation Paragraphs – knowing when to and maintaining flow Handwriting – cursive, lead in and out, ascenders and descenders Direct Speech – new line and punctuation Reading Guided reading continues – library books Commenting on writers use of language and using techniques learnt in their own writing Focus on comprehension and inference YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG
R.E. IN Y4 - Miss D’Arcy YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG Prayer Life Class based Prayer Services – 2 per class 4D - 13th October 4D’A - 10th November 4Y – 17th November 4D – 2nd March 4D’A – 16th March 4Y – 23rd March Gospel Assemblies 4. School/Class Masses 4D - 21st February 4D’A - 28th February 4Y – 7th March RE Curriculum 6 units Liturgical Year (Advent/Lent) Partnership with parishes/Diocese PSHE (links to RE) YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG
OTHER CURRICULUM SUBJECTS – Miss Yates YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG OTHER CURRICULUM SUBJECTS – Miss Yates Music: Will be taught by class teachers using scheme from The Voices Foundation and our clarinet teacher will be teaching each class the clarinet this term on Tuesdays to 4D and 4D’A. 4Y will have clarinet in the Spring term.
EXPECTATIONS IN Y4 – Mr David Behaviour – learning environment rules Responsibilities: monitors and members Growth Mindset Increased responsibility for their own learning Independence Taking comments on board and acting on them YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG
HOME LEARNING – Miss Yates YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG HOME LEARNING – Miss Yates Given out on Thursdays, Back on Tuesdays Spellings, times tables/mental maths, reading All times tables should be learnt by the end of Y4
SAFEGUARDING – Miss D’Arcy YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG SAFEGUARDING – Miss D’Arcy Safeguarding Policy Keeping Children Safe in Education Designated Safeguarding Officers Maureen Kelly ( Mary Ainger (
E-SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT – Mr David E – Safety Policy (on website) E-safety curriculum Does your child have unsupervised access to a laptop or computer? Parental Controls Please inform us if you are aware of a child using it incorrectly, we have a responsibility to report it. Please ensure you and your child have signed: Acceptable Use Policy Parents Acceptable Use Policy YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG
COMMUNICATION –Miss Yates YEAR 4 IMPACT MEETNG COMMUNICATION –Miss Yates Website – year page and subject pages Newsletter Texting Service – up to date E-mails – up to date Collecting children/absence - letter Open door policy or meetings can be arranged via office Mrs Harran – on the slope
Reminders: Birthdays – fruit/book for library (no sweets/cakes) healthy school. Newsletter – hairstyles and uniform. E-Safety Talk.