U1-L9 September 11, 2009 DRILL Why do engineers use orthographic projections? Answer in a complete sentence. What does the prefix “ortho” generally mean? Get out last night’s 3-view drawing homework assignment. Engineers use orthographic projections because they are sufficient for correctly manufacturing an object as the designer intended. “Ortho” generally means straight.
U1-L9 HOMEWORK CHECK Working with 1 or two partners, check ALL your answers to the 3-view drawing worksheet. You have 4 minutes.
U1-L9 Go to Sketchup File
U1-L9 Go to Sketchup File
U1-L9 Go to Sketchup File
U1-L9 Go to Sketchup File
Title Blocks Take out a sheet of notebook paper. U1-L1 Title Blocks Take out a sheet of notebook paper. Title it between last and 2nd–to-last lines. Never write in line above it (no X’s). class # BPI NOTESHEET 27 AUG 08 LAST, F. 1
Note Sheets On top line, identify the unit we’re in. U1-L1 Note Sheets On top line, identify the unit we’re in. Never write in line directly below it (no X’s) UNIT 1 – GENERAL CONDITIONS BPI NOTESHEET 27 AUG 08 LAST, F. 1
How many degrees are in a RIGHT ANGLE? U1-L9 How many degrees are in a RIGHT ANGLE? What is the total number of degrees in a SQUARE? Divide that square in half, diagonally. How many degrees are in each triangle? How many degrees is each ANGLE in this right triangle? - 90 Degrees - 360 Degrees - 180 Degrees 1 = 90 Degrees 2 1 3 2 = 45 Degrees 3 = 45 Degrees
Triangles A triangle with all sides equal lengths is an U1-L9 Triangles A triangle with all sides equal lengths is an A triangle with all angles equal is an A triangle with 2 sides/angles equal and 1 side/angle different is an The sum of the three angles in ALL triangles is ____ degrees. Equilateral Triangle Equilateral Triangle Isosceles Triangle 360
DRAFTING A form of graphic communication A universal language U1-L9 DRAFTING A form of graphic communication Drawings are often the best way to describe or show our ideas A universal language Symbols (lines and figures) have specific meanings Accurately describes the shape, size, material, finish, and fabrication of a product Standardized over most of the world (possible to interpret drawings made in other countries) Manual drafting – paper and tools Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
TOOLS Compass - circles Sharpened Pencil - different line weights U1-L9 TOOLS Sharpened Pencil - different line weights Drawing Board Smooth, flat surface T-Square “Head” and “Blade” Horizontal lines ONLY NEVER for vertical lines or for other uses Triangles 30-60 degree triangle 45 degree triangle Compass - circles
DRAFTING HORIZONTAL LINES VERTICAL LINES U1-L9 DRAFTING HORIZONTAL LINES Hold t-square TIGHT against board PULL your pencil, DO NOT push it Hold pencil at slight angle to paper (60 degrees) Twist your pencil to keep a consistent point DO NOT allow pencil to go under t-square VERTICAL LINES Hold triangle TIGHT against t-square
HOMEWORK Complete the front and back of the 3-view/lettering handout. U1-L9 HOMEWORK Complete the front and back of the 3-view/lettering handout. Each of the lettering lines should be completely filled in.