Orchard park central school district Comprehensive District Education Plan (CDEP) Review Presentation to the Board of Education Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Presented by: Lisa M. Krueger, Ed.D.
What is a CDEP? A Comprehensive District Education Plan Generally 3-5 years in length Created with the input and involvement of all constituent groups (teachers, parents, admin, BOE, SRPs) CDEPs are intended to: Provide a unified focus for school improvement Include SMART goals: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound Focus resources Resources of time, money, professional development
History of CDEP in OPCSD October 2010 – first meeting and training of CDEP members November 2011 – first draft of CDEP presented to the BOE February 2012 – CDEP adopted by the BOE. This plan spanned three years: 2012-2015 December 2014 – CDEP reconvened. Conducted thorough analysis of progress made toward goals and future goals. June 2015 – CDEP adopted by the BOE. This plan spans three years: 2015-2018.
Schooling by Design Jay McTighe & Grant Wiggins (2010)
Vision Statement We give our students the vision to reach for the stars, The skills and fortitude to climb the ladder, And the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of the journey.
Mission Statement Through partnership with families, community, and the Orchard Park Central School District, students will: Achieve their fullest potential Develop critical thinking, creativity, and character Become healthy, lifelong learners Be responsible and contributing members of an ever-changing and global society
Guiding Principles The Orchard Park Central School District will: Provide a healthy, safe, and innovative learning environment. Focus resources on the continue improvement of student achievement, citizenship and character. Foster a professional learning community that is enhanced through the support of staff development, ongoing curriculum evaluation and design, effective instructional practices, and integrated technology. Embrace and encourage communication, accountability, long-range planning and fiscal responsibility shared among constituent groups.
Creation of Goals Based on the Vision, Mission and Guided Principles, 4 goals were outlined. Academic goals (2) Safe Environment Innovative Educational Environment
Goals of the 2015-2018 CDEP Goal 1: Maintenance of a Goal from the 2012-2015 CDEP Increase and maintain the percentage of students graduating with Advanced Diplomas as identified on the NYS report card to at least 68%
Goals of the 2015-2018 CDEP Goal 2: Topic: Academic Goal Kindergarten through 6th grade students will attain their annual growth expectations for literacy and numeracy skills.
Goals of the 2015-2018 CDEP Goal 3: Topic: Safe Environment Conduct a district-wide analysis of current Character Education programs and practices including community service, Keeping Kids Safe, Peaceful School Bus, and the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program by June 2016. Develop recommendations to revise Character Education programs and practices based on the outcome of the analysis by December 2016.
Goals of the 2015-2018 CDEP Goal 4: Topic: Innovative Educational Environment The District Technology Committee will develop and implement a comprehensive plan that includes a timeline and details to address: Expanding student exposure to learning in an online environment; Student access to technology resources outside of the school day; Staff development to effectively incorporate technology to enhance instruction; Resources needed to support the plan (both personnel and equipment/infrastructure).
Creation of the CDEP Action Plan The “nuts and bolts” of the plan; Specifics of who, what, and how to accomplish goals; Outlines: Major tasks Leaders of the task(s) Timeline Support/Professional Development Resources/Funding
Next Steps of CDEP CDEP will regularly meet to review progress toward goals. Meetings for the 2016-17 school year are: September 26 January 11 March 1 June 5
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