Mrs. Matheny’s Classroom Newsletter This month we are learning… Upcoming events… In reading, we are learning to blend sounds to make words. We are also segmenting the sounds we hear in words. We are learning the characters and the setting in the stories we have read. We are retelling stories with a beginning, middle and the end. We are learning our sight words. Practice your popcorn words, cookie words, etc. We are learning our letters and their letter sounds. In writing, we are stretching out words to write simple sentences and drawing detailed pictures to match our stories. In math, we are learning our numbers from 0-10. We are writing the numbers correctly, counting to 50, more, less and equal, the concept of one more than, recognizing and comparing 2D shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle), and understanding length (longer, shorter, taller). In science, we are observing weather, sorting and classifying objects. In social studies, we are learning about Christmas and other holidays around the world. December 5th – 9th Santa shop December 7th Progress reports December 8th 3rd & 4th grade Holiday program / Santa shop open at 5:00 during program December 9th Field trip to see Elf Jr. December 15th Sweet Frog Spirit Night 5-8 December 16th School store open during lunch December 20th Classroom Christmas Party 1:30 December 21st Polar Express Day -wear pajamas Last day before Winter break December 22nd – January 2nd Winter break January 3rd First day back to school in 2017 Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Happy Birthday! Please remember if you send money to school to place it in an envelope or ziploc bag and label it. I would really appreciate it! I still have children coming in handing me money and I am afraid I might make a mistake as to where the money needs to go. Please help… Sage December 6th Vienna December 9th Mason December 20th Justin December 26th Christmas party and activities! We will have our class Christmas party on December 20th at 1:30. Please plan to attend! We would love to have you. If you would be willing to help with the party or send items, please let me know. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Also, on December 21st, we will have Polar Express Day and the children may wear pajamas to school. Please make sure they wear their shoes instead of slippers because we will play outside weather permitting.