Earth Science Nugget NASA LaRC Science Directorate at NSTA Richmond National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Science Nugget NASA LaRC Science Directorate at NSTA Richmond Kristyn Damadeo
NASA LaRC Science Directorate at NSTA Richmond NASA Langley Science Directorate members attended the NSTA Regional Conference in Richmond, Va. from October 16-18. The group staffed a NASA Langley Science Directorate Education and Outreach booth, as well as assisted with the NASA developed Planeterrella exhibit at the Virginia Air and Space Center booth. In addition, the LaRC SD E/PO team collaborated with the LaRC Office of Education, JPL, GSFC, and WSFC to provide a larger NASA presence and additional sessions. More than 300 conference attendees visited the NASA booths and another 100 attended NASA presentations including: SAGE III/ISS: A Collaborative Effort: Science, Engineering, Math, and Art (Kristyn Damadeo) Sky Art: Sharing in the Beauty of Nature While Learning the Science Behind It (Kristyn Damadeo) CERES S’COOL: From Observing to Understanding Through Classroom-ready Games! (Tina Harte) Data Visualizations Made Easy Through MYNASADATA Live Access Server (Dan Oostra) Elementary GLOBE Storybook: Building Science Inquiry and Literacy Skills (Tina Harte) MYNASADATA: An Authentic STEM Experience (Preston Lewis) CERES S’COOL: A Project for Cross-curricular Learning (Sarah Crecelius) Understanding Earth’s Energy Budget Using NASA Resources (Lin Chambers) Staffers include: Bruce Doddridge, Lin Chambers, Preston Lewis, Sarah Crecelius, Dan Oostra, Tina Harte, and Kristyn Damadeo Kristyn Damadeo