Word List; sed, sid, sess to sit, settle
What are the roots that mean to sit or settle?
the roots sed, sid, sess
What is the word that means a meeting or class where people sit together?
session a meeting, class, or assembly where a group sits together
What is the word that identifies the medicine used to calm a person down?
sedative to help someone calm down; to help someone medicine used to help a person settle into a state of calmness
What is the word that names a home or a place where a person lives?
residence a home; a place where a person settles to live
What is the word that names a closed automobile with enough room for a least four people to ride comfortably?
sedan a closed automobile that has enough room for four people to sit comfortably
What is the word that describes a lifestyle in which a person spends most of the time sitting around being inactive?
sedentary fixed to one spot; marked by a great of sitting and very little exercise or travel
What is the word that identifies an executive officer in charge of a firm or organization?
president an executive officer who sits in charge of a firm or organization
What is the word that identifies the solid material that settles to the bottom of a liquid?
sediment the solid material that settles to the bottom of a liquid
What is the word that names an official who settles on values of property for tax purposes?
assessor an official who evaluates and settle on a value of a property for tax purposes
What is the word that describes what you do when you settle into a place to live?
reside to settle into a place to live; to exist
What is the word that identifies what you are doing when you try to calm someone down?
sedate to help someone calm down; to help someone settle down