Advanced Environmental Technology Hyderabad December 2016
Hyderabad IT and Commercial Heart of India
Great cities are built on great infrastructure Hyderabad Great cities are built on great infrastructure There can be no compromise in the design and commitment to total water security for Hyderabad. Major ultra high capacity new drainage, storm water and sewage trunk mains will be completed for the entire city. Restore and modernize the existing drainage network infrastructure. Use the natural drainage of Hyderabad to the south and east to ultimately direct and control flood management measures.
Environment Management in Modern Mega Cities Remove polluted storm water, sewage overflow and runoff to stop the floods and the pollution of water supplies in Hyderabad New linking trunk sewers and drainage mains built using Direct Underground Boring systems will ensure faster completion and greater design flexibility. All existing nalas will be cleared, cleaned, resurfaced and brought up to full capacity by re-drilling and excavation.
4 Large New Water Treatment Plants Away from Hyderabad A total solution for Hyderabad - world class water treatment Secure the Musi River from its use as a sewage outlet. Four world class water treatment plants with the permanent capacity to service all future sewage and storm water demands for Hyderabad with design capacity for substantial city expansion. Remove all sewage and flood risk from the city using a powerful integrated network to provide security for commercial and government infrastructure. Provide the funding programme to guarantee long term integrity for operations and management of all aspects of the Hyderabad Sewage and Drainage System.
Durgam Cheruvu polluted and choked with weed. The Critical Role of Hyderabads Lakes. Hyderabad's Lakes will become the cities greatest feature to encourage recreation, tourism, and a high value residential environment. The Lakes are a natural buffer against the effects of monsoon floods. To provide high quality recreational facilities the lakes; All lakes will be renewed, cleaned and cleared of weed and rubbish. Substantial new pipeline and pumping infrastructure will be used to balance the water levels against floods. Odour and health risks will be eliminated. Total isolation of the lakes from unmanaged drains, factory dumping and untreated runoff. Durgam Cheruvu polluted and choked with weed.
Use of Recycled Water and Fertilizer Has a High Commercial Value Providing Safe and Clean Recycled Water and Valuable Clean Sewage Fertilizer
Hyderabad India's cleanest city Once in the history of a City Removing polluted water from runoff will stop pollution of water supplies Major new sewage and storm water trunk lines will be essential to the health and environmental management system in Hyderabad as it becomes India's cleanest city. High capacity drains to remote treatment plants as far out as Edulabad, Nand Palli and sites beyond the ORR will build a permanent and dynamic long term solution. Capturing and treating large volumes of runoff will create a substantial resource and produce a high value residual in re-cycled water. Greatly improve the quality and value of irrigation farmland and provide water for civil and industrial use.
Hyderabad The Future of India Universal Vortex guide to the Financial Plan and future Environment of Hyderabad International Funding Programme Priorities. Hussain Sagar and Hyderabad’s Lakes River Musi Major New Drainage Network New Water Treatment Plants