7 The Skeleton: Part C
STUDENTS WILL DO THE FOLLOWING SLIDES ON THEIR OWN MW Class Slides To Do Prior To Wednesday of This Week: 4, 6 (A-1 and 2 only), 27, and 28 WF Class Do These Slides Prior To Friday of This Week: 4, 6 (A-1 and 2 only), 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 27, and 28
Skeletal System Divisions Appendicular Axial
PART 2 Appendicular Skeleton I. INTRODUCTION = Limbs Pectoral girdle: Pelvic girdle:
Costoclavicular Ligament Caracoclavicular Ligament Pectoral Girdle Acromio- clavicular joint Clavicle Costoclavicular Ligament Caracoclavicular Ligament Scapula (a) Articulated pectoral girdle Figure 7.24a
II. Pectoral Girdle A. Introduction 1. Bones 2. Functions Attach: muscles 3. Glenohumeral Joint = Shoulder Joint: Type of joint Shallow Socket mobility Strength PLAY A&P Flix™: Bones of the pectoral girdle
Right clavicle, superior view Sternal (medial) end Posterior Anterior Acromial (lateral) end (b) Right clavicle, superior view Figure 7.24b
B. Clavicles (Collarbones) Function: Parts Acromial (lateral) end: Sternal (medial) end: Superior View
C. Scapulae Acromion Suprascapular notch Superior border Coracoid process Superior angle Glenoid cavity Subscapular fossa Lateral border Medial border Inferior angle (a) Right scapula, anterior aspect Figure 7.25a
(b) Right scapula, posterior aspect Coracoid process Suprascapular notch Superior angle Acromion Supraspinous fossa Glenoid cavity at lateral angle Spine Infraspinous fossa Medial border Lateral border (b) Right scapula, posterior aspect Figure 7.25b
C. Scapulae Held in Place: Location: between ribs 2 and 7 Anterior Held in Place: Location: between ribs 2 and 7 Shape: 3 borders & 2 angles Superior Border Vertebral Border Axillary Border Superior Angle Inferior Angle Parts Glenoid Cavity– Glenohumeral Joint Supraglenoid & Infraglenoid tubercles Posterior
Spine Fossae General Functions: Subscapular Fossa Supraspinous Fossa Scapula Parts … Anterior Spine Fossae General Functions: Subscapular Fossa Supraspinous Fossa Infraspinous Fossa Lateral Spine Posterior
(c) Right scapula, lateral aspect Inferior angle Supraspinous fossa Supraglenoid tubercle Acromion Coracoid process Glenoid cavity Spine Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa Infraglenoid tubercle Infraspinous fossa Subscapular fossa Subscapular fossa Posterior Anterior (c) Right scapula, lateral aspect Inferior angle Figure 7.25c
Caracoclavicular Ligament Scapula parts … Coracoid Process– Suprasapular Notch– Acromion Process Acromioclavicular Joint Ligaments Acromioclavicular- weak Caracoclavicular- Anterior Posterior Caracoclavicular Ligament Acromioclavicuar joint Clavicle Scapula
III The Upper Limb A. Introduction 30 bones Most movable joint Arm = Humerus Most movable joint Forearm = Radius and ulna Hand: Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phalanx bones = 27
B. HUMERUS Head: Condyles: 1. Parts– Articulations Capitulum Trochlea Anatomical Neck: Surgical Neck:
Greater & Lesser Tubercle– Humerus Parts … Greater & Lesser Tubercle– Intertubercular Sulcus (Groove)– furrow Passage of Biceps Brachii tendon Deltoid tuberosity Radial Groove
Condyles For Elbow Joint Capitulum Trochlea Medial Epicondyle (large) Anterior Condyles For Elbow Joint Capitulum Trochlea Medial Epicondyle (large) Lateral Epicondyle (small) Medial Supracondylar Ridge Lateral Supracondylar Ridge Posterior
Olecranon Fossa – Posterior Coronoid Fossa Radial Fossa Anterior Humerus Parts … Posterior Olecranon Fossa – Coronoid Fossa Radial Fossa Anterior
Greater Head of tubercle humerus Lesser Anatomical tubercle neck Inter- tubercular sulcus Deltoid tuberosity Lateral supracondylar ridge Coronoid fossa Radial fossa Medial epicondyle Capitulum Trochlea (a) Anterior view Figure 7.26a
C. Bones of the Forearm Radius Ulna Radial notch of the ulna Olecranon process Trochlear notch Head Head of radius Neck Coronoid process Radial tuberosity Neck of radius Proximal radioulnar joint Interosseous membrane Ulna Radius Ulnar notch of the radius Radius Head of ulna Styloid process of ulna Styloid process of radius Distal radioulnar joint Styloid process of radius (a) Anterior view (b) Posterior view Figure 7.27a-b
The following parts articulate with humerus to form the Elbow Joint 1. ULNA The following parts articulate with humerus to form the Elbow Joint Olecranon Process– Elbow; Trochlear Notch– Coronoid Process– “ Posterior Posterior Anterior Anterior
Ulna … Anterior Radial Notch– Proximal Radioulnar Joint Head– at distal end Styloid Process
2. Radius Anterior rotates over Ulna Head (proximal end) articulates with: Radial Tuberosity Interosseous membrane Ulnar Notch Distal Radioulnar Joint Styloid Process Anterior Ulnar Notch
ARM & FOREARM BONE ARTICULATIONS Carrying Angle: Humerus Coronoid fossa Capitulum Medial epicondyle Head of radius Trochlea Coronoid process of ulna Radial tuberosity Radius Radial notch Ulna (c) Anterior view at the elbow region Humerus Olecranon fossa Olecranon process Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Head Ulna Neck Radius (d) Posterior view of extended elbow Figure 7.26c-d
D. Hand: Carpus Carpals: forms a carpal tunnel - Flexor Retinaculum: forms a carpal tunnel Proximal row– left to right, Anatomical Position Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform (located on the triquetrum anteriorly) Sally Left The Party (So Long To Pinky) Distal row– left to right Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate To Take Cindy Home (Here Comes The Thumb) (Is backwards)
Radiocarpal Joint, Wrist Joint = 1. Carpals … Radiocarpal Joint, Wrist Joint = 2. Metacarpus– metacarpal bones #1(thumb) to #5 3. Phalanges = bones of fingers 1 digit = phalanges— distal, middle, and proximal Fingers= 1(Pollex) Pollex: no middle phalanx
(a) Anterior view of left hand (b) Posterior view of left hand Phalanges • Distal • Middle • Proximal Metacarpals • Head • Shaft Sesamoid bones • Base Carpals Carpals Carpals • Trapezium • Hamate • Trapezium • Trapezoid • Capitate • Trapezoid • Scaphoid • Pisiform • Scaphoid • Triquetrum Radius • Lunate Ulna Radius (a) Anterior view of left hand (b) Posterior view of left hand Figure 7.28a-b
(c) Proximal portion of ulna, lateral view Olecranon process View Trochlear notch Coronoid process Radial notch (c) Proximal portion of ulna, lateral view Ulnar notch of radius Articulation for lunate Articulation for scaphoid Styloid process Head of ulna Styloid process View (d) Distal ends of the radius and ulna at the wrist Figure 7.27c-d