Poultry Unit 11th-12th Grade
Learning Targets I can identify various breeds of poultry. I can identify terminology used in poultry production.
Poultry History 1400 B.C. raised by Chinese.
Poultry History 1607 Poultry was at Jamestown Settlement.
Turkey Facts Top 3 Turkey States in Production: 1. Minnesota 2. North Carolina 3. Arkansas
Duck Facts 10 Million ducks are raised annually in the United States. 60% of ducks are raised on Long Island New York
Geese Facts 1 Million geese are raised each year in the United States. Top 5 States in Geese Production: 1. Missouri 2. Iowa 3. South Dakota 4. Minnesota 5. Wisconsin
Poultry Facts Top 3 Poultry Egg Producing States California Ohio Iowa Top 3 Broiler Producing States Georgia 3. Alabama Arkansas
Poultry Industry #1 Egg Production: Hens lay eggs. Raised in Cages, Floor Pen System Packaging of eggs at the farm
Poultry Industry #2 Broiler Production: Raise chickens for meat. Raise several flocks a year
Poultry Industry #3 Raising Replacement Pullets: Raise chicks then sold for Egg Production or Broiler Production.
How Poultry are Divided Breed: Group of related fowl with true traits. Varieties: Based on certain traits. Ex. Traits, Color of plumage, Comb Type Type: Purpose for which the poultry are bred. Ex. Egg Type, Meat Type Class: Geographic origin of the poultry. 1. Mediterranean 2. American 3. English 4. Asiatic
Dominiques Origin: United Kingdom Color: Gray and White Size: Medium Do well in confinement and open range. Dual Purpose: Meat and Egg Production
Rhode Island Red Origin: United States Color: Red Dual purpose breed: Meat/Egg production Size: Hen 4.5lbs Males: 5lbs Not produce in confinement.
White Leghorn Chicken Origin: Italy Color: White Size: Hens 4.5lbs Males: 5 Used for large scale egg production. Grown in cages Purpose: Egg Prod. Egg Size: Large
Cornish Origin: England Purpose: Meat Bird Color: Varies Egg Prod: Low Broodiness: Average Egg Size: Medium
Plymouth Rock Origin: New England Purpose: Meat/Egg Egg Prod. High Egg Size: Large Color: White, Black, Blue
Jersey Giant Origin: United States Purpose: Meat/Egg Rooster: 13lbs Hens: 11lbs Egg Prod: Medium Egg Size: Large Color: Black, White, Blue
White Turkey Origin: U.S.A. Color: White Size: 70lbs Vey large breast Grown in large barns Breeding: A.I. Use: Meat Production
Bronze Turkey Color: Green Bronze Rare in U.S.A 5-6 Hatcheries in the United States Breeding: A.I. Use: Meat Production Egg Production: Poor
Bourbon Red Origin: Bourbon Co. Ky. Toms: 33lbs Hens: 18lbs Use: Show Meat Prod. Egg Production Poor
Black Turkey Origin: Europe Tom: 23lbs Hen: 14lbs Use Meat Production
Royal Palm Origin: U.S.A Tom: 16lbs Hen: 10lbs Use: Showing Egg Production: Poor
Blue Slate Origin: U.S.A Tom: 23lbs Hen: 14lbs Use: Show Meat Prod. Egg Production: Poor
Heritage Turkey Qualities: Fine Flavor Beauty Good yield of meat Hardy Self Reliant
Domestic Turkeys Description: Large High Meat Prod. Raised in Barns White feathers
Poultry Terminology
Meat Breeds of Chickens Developed for their quick growth and meat production.
Aviculture Raising Avian species.
American Poultry Association APA:
American Bantam Association ABA:
Poultry Barns Chickens are kept in cages in groups of 4-6 hens. Food and Water are provided by computers. Eggs are gathered by a belt system.
Broiler Young chicken 6-12 weeks of age and weighs 2.5lbs. Tender and easy to cook.
Roaster Young chicken that is older and slightly larger than a broiler.
Capon Male chicken that has been castrated. 6-8 months old Weigh: 6lbs
Spent Hen Hen that is no longer laying eggs. Made into: Soup, Baked
Layer Mature female chicken kept to produce eggs. Produce: 250 eggs per year
Pullet Young female that is being raised for laying eggs.
Rooster Mature male chicken.
Cockerel Male chicken that is less than 1 year of age.
Air Cell Air space found in the large end of the egg.
Bantam 1/4th-1/5th the size of a regular chicken. 150 Varities Weight 16-30 Ounces
Broody Maternal instinct causing the female to want to hatch eggs.
Clutch Group of eggs accumulated by the hen to set on. 12 Eggs
Cull Not suitable for breeding, laying, or marketing.
Droppings Chicken Manure
Plumage Feathers making up the outer covering of fowls.
Sexed Chicken Poultry that have been sorted by sex.
Candling Holding the egg up to a bright light to observe what is inside.
De-Beak Remove part of the beak to prevent cannibalism.
Free Range Eggs produced chickens that are cage free.
Tom Male turkey Can father 1,500 poults during the 25 week laying cycle. All semen is collected from the Tom.
Hen Female turkey Light is used to induce laying of eggs. 25 week laying cycle: 80-100 eggs
Poults Baby turkey
Hatchery Eggs are sorted for size and quality.
Incubation Eggs are kept here until they hatch. Rotated every few hours to keep eggs alive.
Hatched Eggs Eggs are placed in containers once they are hatched.
Sorting Chicks and Turkeys Chicks or Turkeys are sex and sorted before shipping birds.
Poultry Housing Requirements Litter Lighting Temperature Humidity Ventilation
Free Range Poultry and Chickens Cost is more expensive when purchased at the store. Predators, Diseases Biggest concern
Confined Housing All birds are kept inside. Reduces: Insects, Wild Animals, Cost of raising birds.
Other breeds of Poultry
Ducks Duckling: Young duck with down rather than feathers. Drake: Mature male. Raised for: Meat, Eggs, Feathers
Toulouse Origin: France Color: Dark Gray White Abdomen Adult Gander: 26 Lbs Adult Goose: 20 Lbs
Embden Color: White Origin: Germany Adult Gander: 26 Lbs Adult Goose: 20 Lbs
The Chinese 2 Varieties: Brown and White Adult Ganders: 12 Lbs Adult Goose: 10 Lbs Popular for Showing
The Pilgrim Male: White Female: Gray and White Adult Gander: 14 Lbs Adult Goose: 13 Lbs
The African Color: Gray and Brown Adult Gander: 20Lbs Adult Goose: 18 Lbs
Geese Gosling: Baby of either sex. Gander: Mature male Hen/Goose: Female Gaggle: Flock Raised for: Meat, Eggs, Feathers
Peafowl Peacocks: Males Peahens: Females Raised for Ornamental Purpose. Feathers are 5 times the length of the body.
Swan Similar to ducks and geese. Used for ornamental purpose. Resorts, Pools Color: White to Black
Ostrich and Emu Ostrich Weigh: 300lbs Height: 10 feet Raised for: Meat, Skin, Feathers, Oil Products
Guinea Fowl Raised for: Food, Stock Game Preserves. Eggs are used for decorations.
Quail Hunting Birds Very Hardy Animal Grown as production birds to be sold to hunters and hunting farms.
Chickens Most chickens are used for Meat and Eggs.
Cross-Mating Crossing 2 or more strains of chickens.
Commercial Egg Production White Poultry Use: White Leghorn or Inbred (Hybrid)
Commercial Egg Production Brown Egg Layers Rhode Island Reds
Commercial Egg Production Brown Egg Layers New Hampshires
Commercial Egg Production Brown Egg Layers Barred Plymouth Rocks
Commercial Crosses Meat Production White Plymouth Rock Females X Cornish Males Low Egg Production High Meat Production
Characteristics of Breeds 3 Ways to Decide Color of Plumage Type of Comb Size of chickens
Poultry Stomach
Crop Food is stored in the crop
Glandular Stomach Food is partly digested before passing onto the Gizzard.
Gizzard Thick wall used for grinding up food. Chickens will swallow rocks for grinding up food.
Gizzard Stones Small stones used for grinding feed.
Egg Tooth Upper beak used fro breaking out of the shell. Falls off after 18 hours.