Review Implementation of Smart Cities Mission Name of State: Andhra Pradesh Date of Review:28-10-2016
SPV & PMC Name of City Date of Establishment of SPV No. of Human Resourced appointment Date of Issue LoI for PMC No of RFPs Completed by PMC CEO CFO CS Others Kakinada 07 – 03 -2016 78 Applications received.under scrutiny 148 applications received. Under scrutiny 1 6 PMC Tender was floated on 23-04-2016. Seven bidders were participated in the tender. Tender evaluation was completed and placed before the Board for approval. Mean while the second highest score secured firm M/s Wadia Techno Engineering Services Pvt Ltd raised objections on the credentials of the team leader of highest score secured firm M/s Aarvee Associates. M/s Wadia Techno Engineering Services Pvt Ltd filed a writ petition in Honourble High Court and Court stayed all further proceedings on finalization of PMC tender. Counter affidavit was filed for vacation of stay orders arguments completed.
Funds ,etc City Name Central share transferred State share transferred Equity (to be enhanced to Rs.200cr) PFMS opened (Yes/No) Kakinada 194.00 188.00 Enhanced Yes
Projects- Core infrastructure Smart Water (Performance based contracts): DPR prepared by other consultant (APMDP) RFP prepared with assistance of CBUD team of MoUD Funding from World Bank, Smart City & ULB. Sanitation(Street Sweepage, Integrated SWM, Dumping site restoration GoAP Issued guidelines for outsourcing of works (Collection & Transport) GoAP called tenders for treatment and disposal of SW under SWATCHA BHARAT Waste Water Recycling- not planned yet Smart Railway Station- not yet planned
Visible, Feel, Experience projects City Name Smart roads in Areas (ABD) (No.s) Implementation Status Smart Integrated command & control centre Implementation status Kakinada 4 Survey 1 No. RFP prepared for Phase-1 of Command Control Center 2 city level parks Tenders called
Projects – “Smart” Solutions City Name Proposed Projects (No.) RFP under preparation Work started (No.s) Discuss- Plan of Action for RFPs under preparation Physical progress (% Completed) Kakinada 6 1 (WiFi) 1 (ICT Based SWM) 4 (Smart Bus Shelter, ICT based Urban Management, SCADA,CCTV & PTZ Cameras) 30%
Projects -ABD City Name Projects proposed (no) RFP under preparation (no) Work started(no) Physical Progress (% completed) Kakinada 51 1.Vending zones 2.e-patasala (balance schools) 1.Solar Roof Top on Govt Buildings 2. Private Buildings, 3.e-Patasala, 4.School Infrastructure, 5.Modern eataries, 6.IHTs, 7.Bridge at Indrapalem lock, 8.RoB at Kondayyapalem, 9. Skill development center at Ramaraopeta 10.Skill development center for women 11. Piped gas network by BGL. 12.e-rickshaw 3% 1% 2% 100% 25% 70% 10% - 2% - 3% - 10% - 2%
Convergence –GoI ,State Government, Others Name of City: Kakinada Name of Ministry/ Department /Others No.s of Projects Cost of Project(s) ( lakhs) Status GoAP R & B Dept. RoB at Kondayyapalem 7400 Work under progress Approach road to NTR Bridge for temple street 1000 Sanction Awaited RoB at Port area 8450 Pratap Nagar bridge 400 Tender process completed. Work to be started Indrapalem lock 325 Bhagya nagar gas ltd. Piped gas network 1400 Work under progress (1700 nos of gas connections given) GoI , Dept of Labour ESI Hospital 10000
Convergence –GoI ,State Government, Others Name of City: Kakinada Name of Ministry/ Department /Others No.s of Projects Cost of Project(s) ( lakhs) Status GoI (MNRE) Solar roof top on Govt . Buildings 4000 Work under progress GoAP & GoI Housing 230 Action plan under preparation GoI, Power dept Under ground wiring 9681 Sanction Awaited GoI, Ministry of Culture Godavari Kalastram 3040 GoI , NFDB Boat building yard, Fish markets, cold storage 4100 GoAP, RTC Smart Bus Terminus (RTC Complex) 5000
Projects-Modules, Package prepared from separate projects City Name Projects proposed in SCP (Total no) Integration possible (no) Not Possible (no) Manner of Integration Kakinada 69 21 48 Similar Nature & Interdependent works
Finance- Projects pipeline Creation of pipeline of projects (nos.)- WB/ADB – Smart Water (Performance based contracts): DPR prepared by other consultant (APMDP) RFP prepared with assistance of CBUD team of MoUD. Funding from World Bank, Smart City & ULB. - AIIB- - HUDCO- - BRICS- - NIIF- - JICA- Sewerage master plan (DPR to be prepared) - Others-
Progress in appointment of Transaction Advisors Finance- Bonds City Name Credit rating-status Bonds Issue- plan Progress in appointment of Transaction Advisors Kakinada BBB by ICRA Not yet
Proposed Private Finance (Rs. Crores) in bidding Finance- PPPs and JVs City Name Proposed PPP in SCP (Total no.s) Process started (no.s) Likely date of bidding Proposed Private Finance (Rs. Crores) in bidding Kakinada 8 3 1.Installation of roof top Solar panels on top of Govt Buildings. 28.00 2.Installation of roof top Solar panels on top Private Buildings. 56.40 3. Piped gas network by BGL 14.00 4.Mall & Multiplex 31-03-2017 40.00 5.Convention centre and Budget Hotel 17.00 6. Smart Bus Shelters with Smart E-Toilets 4.00
Finance- PPPs and JVs City Name Proposed PPP in SCP (Total no.s) Process started (no.s) Likely date of bidding Proposed Private Finance (Rs. Crores) in bidding 7. Multi-level parking @Santa Cheruvu 31-03-2017 5.00 8. Multi-level parking @ Machurence high school 3.00
MIS- Excel worksheets, Gantt Charts No. of Gantt Worksheets (proposal wise milestones) - Name of City –(Yes) Smart Net- - Name of City –Kakinada - No. of Registration- 4
CBUD progress City Name Status of VCF policy revision Status of property rationalization Status of NRW reduction Status of Waste Water Recycling Kakinada Tenders called for Last date for receipt of tenders is 29-10-2016 A.P. Municipal Development Project is taking up with World Bank assistance RFP under finalization for Performance based water supply system with Implementation of 24X 7 water supply To be taken up
Milestones for 25 June 2017 (City Wise) Nos. of projects likely to be started - 65 Nos. of projects likely to completed - 13 List of visible & felt outcomes for people Smart colonies (roof top solar, fibre grid, piped gas, energy efficient lighting) Green spaces Improved civic infrastructure like roads Speedy redressal of citizen grievances through command and control centre Connectivity improvement through WiFi. Improved School Education.
Fast Track & Round Cities (City Wise) City Name Date of SPV establishment Date of time of tender for PMC Date of completion of credit rating No. of registrations on Smart Net Kakinada
Issues for discussion with MoUD