CS 274: Internet Programming Welcome!
Professor Zavodnik Course Syllabus
Course Objectives Understand Architecture of a Webapp Understand Client/Server Interaction Write a Webapp of medium complexity using most program features Prepare for the SCWCD exam Learn Servlet and Java Server Page programming Learn how to deploy a Webapp
Grading Policy 3-4 quizes 19% Programming 20% Class participation 6% Homework 10% Final 45%
Essentials Attendance is determined once per lecture. If you leave early or come late you are a no show Working together is ok, but you must document your own work. Everything else is cheating No talking during quizes/exam
Essentials (continued) Lab time is available evenings. Use it! Please ask specific questions during office hours, not class, and then only during office hours--or make an appointment.
Office Hours Tues 13.30 - 15.30 (2) Wed 9-11 (2) Thurs 13.30-14.30 (1) Friday 13.30-15.30 (2) And by appointment (1). I cannot consult with you outside office hours
Textbook Hall, Marty: Core Servlets and Java Server Pages (2nd ed.) Vol I Core Technologies Is available in pdf form Is required by CIS department Vol II is also consulted, but is not available as e-book Please see ww.coreservlets.com
Note on API NetBeans is an ideal development tool for web programming But, it does not give you the full picture Lecture will use low-level approach to show all details