Autodesk Dev Days 2015 The road ahead DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
AutoCAD® I/O - Overview AutoCAD I/O web service, hosted by Autodesk, allows developers to run AutoCAD scripts remotely and enable them to process DWG files at cloud scale. You can create an AutoCAD script or use one of our sample scripts, then point the AutoCAD I/O web service to the DWG files and finally run your script on the DWG files. AutoCAD I/O loads the DWG files, then run the script on each file. Upon completion, AutoCAD I/O saves the output to your specified location. AutoCAD I/O, as represented in the graphic, is storage agnostic—input and output files are not stored in AutoCAD I/O. Based on your choice of web storage; AutoCAD I/O is able to connect to it over HTTP. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
AutoCAD® I/O - Features Perform variety of operations on DWG Create new DWG Query any information from existing DWG Purge drawings, save to other formats Plot to DWF and PDF Features Perform a variety of operations on DWG content. Create a new DWG file. Query any information from an existing DWG file. Purge drawings, save them to other formats. Plot drawings to DWF and PDF. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
AutoCAD® I/O – Key Concepts AutoCAD I/O uses OData conventions for URL & payloads 3 Key abstractions: WorkItem Activity AppPackage Client side code can be written in any language that can make HTTP requests .NET & Java samples available Intro rappel DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
AutoCAD® I/O - Performances Number of transactions/day up by 10x ~5K/day -> 50K/day Uptime over the past year: 99.99% Transaction queue time reduced by 50% DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
AutoCAD® I/O - OData AutoCAD I/O has migrated to OData 4.0 OData V4.0 introduces many important features and makes calling the server easier The OData protocol is evolving. The latest OData V4.0 introduces many important features and importantly makes calling the server easier. AutoCAD I/O has migrated to OData 4.0 format because OData 4.0 is not compatible with older version. You will notice a few changes. To get a better understanding about OData 4.0, please go to AutoCAD I/O version 2 (V2) also introduces several new changes. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
API Keys No need to regenerate API keys for V2, if you were using V1 keys they still work Only update REST API url: V1 will stay online until 1/31/2016. After that calls to V1 will fail If your existing application is using a Consumer Key created with the AutoCAD I/O bundle, it will also work with the latest version of AutoCAD I/O API. Change the API calls in your application to use the newer and better version. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
Removed EntityId In V1: EntityId {UserId, Id} exposed for AppPackage/Activity/WorkItem Introduced more work &exposed user information In V2: replaced by a single Id Id needs to be unique (service informs you if exists) We recommend to append prefix to Id: Adsk-PlotToPDF Removed EntityId This class was exposed as an Id for an AppPackage/Activity/WorkItem. It consisted of two properties: UserId and Id. The UserId is a GUID identifying the owner. To reference to an Activity, you need to specify both UserId and Id. This introduces more work and also exposes user information. In V2, UserId parameter is removed. So now you can reference an Activity with a single value -- Id. You won't see EntityId in V2 API anymore. It is replaced by Id. The Id needs to be unique. It is possible for different users to create an Activity/AppPackge with same name. We will remind you if the Id has existed. We recommend that you append some prefix/suffix to the name, for example your developer symbol (see In this case, the "PlotToPDF" activity will become "Adsk.PlotToPDF" if we use our company symbol as prefix. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
New Engines EntitySet Engines EntitySet Expose supported ACAD Core Engines Read-only Added Engines EntitySet Beside Activity/WorkItem/AppPackage, AutoCAD I/O V2 introduces a new entity called Engine. It exposes the ACAD Core Engines we support from our service. Currently this is read only -- we do not allow creating/modifying/deleting any entries. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
Versioning Support AutoCAD I/O V2 supports versioning for Activity/AppPackage/Engine Version is preserved after each update Query for all older versions Set one of them as current Versioning Support AutoCAD I/O V2 supports versioning for Activity/AppPackage/Engine. Now each time you update them, the older version is preserved. You can query for all older versions and set one of them as your current version -- this allows you to roll back bad updates. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
New Description Property Description property on Activity/AppPackage/Engine Provides more details about the entity Attach additional info for your own usage Can put contact info if entity is public Optional New Description property on Activity/AppPackage/Engine This property is expected to provide more details about the Entity. You can attach additional information in this property for your own usage. Also, if you make your entity public, you may want to put your contact information in this property so that others can contact you for questions. This is an optional property. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
New Headers Property Headers property on Argument Argument is a required property for WorkItem Tells where to get input files & where to output result Some cloud storages require additional Headers info Ex: Azure storage blob requires header named "x-ms-blob-type" New Headers property on Argument Argument is a property of WorkItem that user needs to provide during WorkItem creation. It usually tells where to get input files (drawings) and where to output the result. Headers property is used for some cloud storage that requires some additional header information in order to upload/download file. For example, to upload result to Azure storage blob, you need to provide a header named "x-ms-blob-type" with property value. Otherwise your upload will be rejected. The Headers property is used for this purpose. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
Get for AppPackage's Upload URL OData < 4.0: Http POST request to get a upload URL for AppPackage OData 4.0: GET Use Http Get for AppPackage's Upload URL In OData versions before 4.0, to get a upload URL for AppPackage, you need to compose a Http POST request. With OData version 4.0, you can use Http GET verb. So the API to get a upload url is now: GET DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
Removed AddLink /DeleteLink AddLink/DeleteLink removed on Activity & AppPackage Replaced by collection property of AppPackage Ids Activity.AppPackages AppPackage.References No AddLink/DeleteLink Call Anymore Activity and AppPackage could have references to other AppPackages. To add/remove references, we used to make a separate call. In this V2 API, you can specify them when creating/updating Activity/AppPackage entity. Activity has a property called AppPackages which is a collection of referenced AppPackage's Ids. And AppPackage has a property called References which is also a collection of referenced AppPackage's Ids. For your information, you can find the definition for all functions from the metadata ($metadata). DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
New IsPublic Property IsPublic property on Activity/AppPackage/Engine Allows you to make your own entities usable by others When IsPublic = true other users will be able to see/reference it At the moment only public Activity is PlotToPDF New "IsPublic" property on Activity/AppPackage/Engine This allows you to make your own entities to be used by others. When you set this property to true, others will be able to see/reference it. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
New HostApplication Property By default AutoCAD.IO runs all WorkItems within AcCoreConsole You can run your own RealDWG executable instead, provided in an AppPackage Provide its path using Activity.HostApplication property Use the form: <AppPackageId>/<host.exe> Your host.exe is running inside a sandbox New “HostApplication” property on Activity By default, AutoCAD.IO runs all the WorkItems within core AutoCAD process, which is the AcCoreConsole.exe. If you want to run your RealDWG instead, you can provide its path at “HostApplication” property. It needs to be of the form <AppPackageId>/<host.exe>. Your host.exe needs to be included in your AppPackage and AutoCAD I/O finds the executable at the base folder of AppPackage. Your host.exe is run inside a sandbox. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
New IsObjectEnabler property IsObjectEnabler property on AppPackage Defines if AppPackage is an AutoCAD object enabler AutoCAD I/O loads OE before running your script Default is False New “IsObjectEnabler” property on AppPackage If you set to true, this property defines whether the object is an AutoCAD object enabler or not. The property type is Boolean. AutoCAD I/O loads it before running your script. By default, it is false. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
New Optional property Optional property on Activity.Parameter Declare a parameter as optional when creating WorkItems Added Optional property on Parameter in Activity This property allows you to set Parameters in Activity as “Optional” so that you do not have to provide corresponding argument in some of your WorkItems. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
AutoCAD®I/O - Code Samples DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
Call To Action Request your API keys: Documentation: Let us know your needs! Product Manager Krithika Prabhu: DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information