Basic coding… with TouchDevelop!! Let’s do some gaming! Based on Lawrence Snyder’s slides for UW-Seattle. This notice serves as permission for their use for teaching in public or private (not for profit) schools. © 2014
TouchDevelop From Microsoft Research Technical (geeky terms): An easy-to-learn platform for developers of all expertise levels to build their own video games and apps! Technical (geeky terms): A touch-first IDE built in Type Script Managed Language TouchDevelop contains a gallery of Libraries & Functions! remember these?
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T.D.’s Language The scripting language is statement oriented Statements are executed sequentially Control flow constructs include if-statements, for and while loops, and functions (actions)
Sample Script action main ( ) // Finds songs not played yet. var found := 0 var songs := media → songs for each song in songs where true do found := found + ▷ display song(song) ("Songs played with this app: " ∥ ◳ played) → post to wall ("Songs never played: " ∥ found) → post to wall private action display song ( song : Song ) returns ( result : Number ) // Post a song to the wall if not played yet and returns 1 // otherwise returns 1. if song → play count = 0 then song → post to wall result := 1 else result := 0 event active song changed ( ) // Increment song played counter. ◳ played := ◳ played + 1 event shake ( ) // Pauses and resume playing. if player → is playing then player → pause player → resume data played : Number
Overview of the program Example Functions- Main() and Shoot(): Where are the names of the functions located in both cases? between action and (…) Where are the bodies of the functions located? between “()“ and “end”
Game Loop + Stuff Order: Check out the “art” hub To Quit: Main() runs once (and only once!!) Gameloop() continues forever! Check out the “art” hub There are a lot of images, audios stored in TouchDevelop’s libraries! To Quit: Click the back button in the top corner to exit the application.
Play a TouchDevelop App!
Make sense?
Coding is ALL detail!! Remember… int defines an integer (0, 1, 2, -1, -2 …) Int or Integer are undefined Code only goes between brackets or parentheses
Make your own Flappy Bird game!
Background! Do you remember how to change the background? Type this line: wall → set background picture(✿ background) Where did it go? In between action main() and end action
Error checking … Type something wrong … and you will receive an error message:
Scopes and Variables
Variables: Declare Within the “Function Scope”
Things to try Test out all the tutorials on the site, and once you feel confident, go ahead and make your own apps!