Welcome to Nutrition 2108 Dr. Ed. Barre Lectures 1a,b 12 September 2016
Please note that Nutr 2108 is primarily directed at students in their third year of their B.Sc.N. degree programme and they will be accommodated first into laboratory sections. If and only if there are spaces left in one or more Nutr 2108 laboratory sections after all third year nursing students are accommodated will non-nursing students be assigned a laboratory section on a first come, first served basis. Consequently non-nursing students may have to withdraw from Nutr 2108. Nutrition transfer students must NOT take Nutr 2108. All Nutrition transfer students must take Nutr 2104 and Nutr 2106 PLUS if going to MSVU or UPEI they must also take Nutr 1101 and Nutr/SPAL 2107. Non-nursing students are strongly encouraged to take Nutr 2104 (fall term 2016, MWF 11:30 am - 12:20 pm).
Handouts-Canada’s Food Guide -Exercise guide -Course syllabus Textbook-Dudek, 7th edition -can be purchased at the campus bookstore
In addition to new and used textbooks and textbook rentals, book store will price match with amazon.ca Bookstore aims to have the shelves stocked 3 weeks from the start of classes
Lab sections- you must be in one of the four lab sections- who is currently not registered in a lab section? Course syllabus
My view of teaching intellectual vigour positive and lasting effect on you good communication innovative teaching techniques openess in dealing with your needs concern for you and your progress motivate you
Please provide feedback to me on a timely and ongoing basis: in person e-mail: ed_barre@cbu.ca telephone suggestion box note under my door I cannot fix what I do not know about so please help me help you!!-this is your course and I do want to help you!!
Notes and links may be found on: http://faculty.cbu.ca/ebarre http://faculty.cbu.ca/ebarre/nutrition_2108.htm Notes may be also be found on: Moodle You are responsible for all content above including links found on:
What are you responsible for? Everything!! Whether it is communication in the form of: Me to you You to me In class discussions
What is nutrition? - in a nutshell- what you eat and how well you eat However, nutrition is not a stand alone!! -good nutrition and physical activity go together for health!!
Why care about nutrition (and exercise)? -lots of people do not -look at the drive- through fast food places -we sit down and we chow down -how many calories do we burn while tweeting, texting, emailing, facebooking, pintresting, instagramming, googling etc. etc.?? -population is gaining weight This affects you!!
Why care about nutrition (and exercise)? Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) does!! https://www.cna-aiic.ca/en/search#q=nutrition&f:cna-website-facet=[cna,nurseone,canadian%20nurse http://cna-aiic.ca/~/media/cna/page-content/pdf-en/ps51_food_safety_security_nov_2001_e.pdf https://www.cna-aiic.ca/~/media/cna/page-content/pdf-en/caring_ahead_childhood_obesity_e_final.pdf?la=en http://www.cna-aiic.ca/~/media/cna/page-content/pdf-en/brief_on_physical_activity_e.pdf?la=en
Why care about nutrition (and exercise)? Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) does!! CNA involved in 2015 federal election-why? https://www.cna-aiic.ca/~/media/cna/files/en/nec_report_e.pdf What did the CNA, nutrition and the 2015 federal election have to do with one another? https://www.cna-aiic.ca/~/media/cna/page-content/pdf-en/establish-standards-for-home-care_e.pdf?la=en
How do lousy nutrition (and exercise) patterns affect you? -your job availability -your benefits while at work -your publically funded healthcare -your pension -your family and loved ones -your patients -all of above dependent on your health Its all about you and yours!!
BAD NEWS http://www.timhortons.com/ca/en/pdf/Tim_Hortons_Nutrition_Guide_-_Canada_English.pdf
MORE BAD NEWS http://www.mcdonalds.ca/NutritionCalculator/index_en.html
GOOD NEWS https://thrive.novascotia.ca
Video-Supersize Me- you are responsible only for the portion shown in class Class is over today at 9:55 am (video will be stopped at that time) Next lectures are lecture 2a (14 September) and lecture 2b (19 September)