The Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement Transition, Support, & Engagement for Traditionally Underrepresented Students
About Us The Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement is a department in both the Division of Academic Affairs and the Division of Student Affairs. It was created at Florida State University in 1968 as Horizons Unlimited. In January 2000, FSU combined Horizons Unlimited, Multicultural Student Support Services, Minority Academic Programs, and the Summer Enrichment Program to establish CARE. Pre- Collegiate programs were also embedded into CARE to provide support for traditionally underrepresented students beginning as early as sixth grade.
Our Vision Motivate and prepare targeted middle and high school students to pursue higher education. Recruit, prepare, and support targeted first generation college students for successful adaptation and academic success at the undergraduate level.
Motivate, Prepare and Recruit College Reach Out Program (CROP) State funded program Prepares 6-12th graders in Leon and Gadsden Counties for College Enrollment and Success 2015: 62, 716 contact hours 7% increase in participant GPAs Upward Bound Program Federally funded TRiO Program Prepares 9th-12th graders in Gadsden County for College In operation since 1989 100% post-secondary enrollment rate since 2012 Statewide Recruitment In conjunction with Admissions and Financial Aid, CARE staff visit high schools, college fairs, and attend community events Student Team CARE Delegates- Provide presentations for high schools & community based organizations in their hometowns CARE Guides- provide in house presentations and campus tours Spring 2016: 984 visitors
CARE Collegiate Division Summer Bridge Program CARE Tutoring & Computer Lab Financial Aid/Literacy Unconquered Scholars Program Academic Advising College Life Coaching Student Engagement Student Support Services Student Support Services-STEM
CARE Summer Bridge Program
CARE Summer Bridge Program An intensive 7 week transition program provided free of charge for 1st generation students Week 1: Move-In & Orientation- students meet their cohort, faculty, staff and learn about campus resources Weeks 2-7: Students earn 7 college credits Participation in an array of academic, social, cultural, professional development and community service activities Mandatory weekly study hours Students are guided through this transition by CARE faculty and staff as well as upperclassmen who live with them throughout the summer serving as Ambassadors.
Academic Advising & Life Coaching Academic Planning & General Educational needs Academic Improvement Plans Mid-Semester Progress Reporting Exploratory Advising & Major Changes Coaching Bi-Weekly College Life Coaching 2nd Year Students Coached for a Full Year Referrals and resources to campus partners
CARE Tutoring Services FREE Drop-In One-on-One & Group Tutoring Individual Study Rooms Access to State-of-the-Art Computer Lab, Surface Tablets, & Free Printing Academic & Study Consultations Almost 70,000 student visits each year Free Textbook Rentals
Financial Aid & Literacy CARE provides services to assist students with locating resources for financing their college education One-on-One Financial Aid Counseling Group Financial Aid Workshops Scholarship & Internship Database Financial Aid File Correction Assistance with Verification Process Financial Literacy Basic Money Management Workshops Individual Budget Planning Meetings Financial Resource Assistance On-Campus Employment Applications for Public Assistance
Student Engagement Monthly General Assemblies Focus on Integration into the Campus Community Small Group Engagement Activities Supplemental Educational Experience Graduate School & Post-Graduation Career Center & Counseling Liaisons Career Development Mental Health Workshops
Unconquered Scholars Program Supports students who were previously classified as foster care, relative care, homeless, or wards of the state Receive Individualized Support Group Meetings and Socials Crisis Support Special Events Volunteering
Unconquered Scholars Program Since starting in 2012 Enrolled 64 students 61 are actively involved now 1 graduated in less than 3 years 18 of the original 20 students will graduate in 2016 (compared to only 2% of students who age out of foster care graduate with a bachelor’s degree) Selected Campus Activities: Honor Society Inductees Marching Chiefs Housing Resident Assistant Student Government (Student Body Treasurer, Senior Class Treasurer) Dean’s List Garnet & Gold Scholar Society Campus RSO Executive Boards FSU Hall of Fame
Student Support Services (& STEM) Provides additional support for first-generation/low-income students Focus on academic success and post-graduation planning Provides additional academic and financial resources to participants Enhanced focus on STEM education and graduate school test preparation
CARE Growth & Success Enrollment Achievements 60 students Summer 2000 Almost 4,000 applications for 2016 Achievements CARE 2008 cohort graduation rate: 81% (2% above the FSU general population) CARE 2014 Fall-Fall retention: 93% (1% above general population) Unconquered Scholars overall program retention 94% (60 of 64 retained or graduated since 2012) Average Fall term GPA for CARE 2015: 3.28 44.2% above 3.5 29 students (7.3%) earned a 4.0
Accolades INSIGHT Into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award (2014 & 2015): FSU recognized for efforts in diversity National Association of Student Personnel Administrators-Florida (2015): Unconquered Scholars Program recognized as the Program of Distinction Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP)(November 2015): FSU recognized as Exemplar Institution for Access and Student Success University Business Magazine (November 2015) – Unconquered Scholars Program recognized as a Model of Excellence
National Attention National Center for Homeless Education (April 2015) – Publication featured CARE & Unconquered Scholars Programs University World News (August 2015) – Unconquered Scholars featured for work with homeless students National Alliance to End Homelessness (August 2015) – Publication featured CARE & Unconquered Scholars Programs Chronicle of Higher Education (August 2015) – Article featured CARE & Unconquered Scholars Program Tallahassee Democrat (September 2015) – CARE recognized for being awarded $2.2 Million for Student Support Services & Student Support Services-STEM grants EAB Daily Briefing (November 2015) – Featured Unconquered Scholars among programs that help homeless students over the break periods PBS News Hour (Aired March 2016): Feature story about CARE and Unconquered Scholars student Christian Science Monitor (May 2016): Cover Story featured CARE for efforts in diversity at FSU Truth-Out Article (May 2016): Article outlining some efforts CARE provides to assist homeless students at FSU