Displaying and Describing Categorical Data Chapter 3 Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
Objectives Understand classification terminology for categorical data. Study presentation methods for categorical data. Begin to utilize technology to present statistics effectively
Data Tables In 1997, an Internet study tracked the favorite pet and sport of K-8 children. Questions asked: Boy or Girl Preferred pet: Dog or Cat? Preferred sport: Football or Basketball? Source: www.learner.org
Frequency Tables
Relative Frequency Table
Pie Chart Note: Pie Charts not available in Fathom, but easy to create in Excel once a frequency distribution is created.
Bar Graph
Ribbon Charts
Contingency Tables
Contingency Tables ctd. Contingency tables show how the individuals are distributed along each variable, contingent on the value of the other variable.
Segmented Bar Charts
Chapter 3 Objectives Understand basic graphical and tabular presentation methods for categorical data. Know an advantage and disadvantage of each compared to other options.