Directions for Measuring SLP Workload and Caseload


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Presentation transcript:

Directions for Measuring SLP Workload and Caseload Barbara Conrad, M.A., CCC-SLP Supervisor at ESC of Lorain County Ann M. Slone, M.A., CCC/SLP Supervisor at Hamilton County ESC OSSPEAC 2016 BARB 8:30 10:15

Calculating Workload: Step 1 SLPs should do a time study and agree upon an average standard value for each activity below. These standard values should be inserted by each SLP into their individual calculator: Standard min/initial ETR   Standard min/reevaluation Standard min/IEP speech only Standard min/IEP speech related Standard min/progress report or interim report Standard min/week for Medicaid documentation Standard min/screening Standard reasonable min/week for 1 FTE ANN (2 steps to this slide) Using a time study approach, each group of SLPs agreed upon these standard values: Standard min/initial ETR: Minutes for planning meeting+assessment+report writing+ETR meeting=N. Average!!!! Standard min/re-eval: Minutes for planning meeting+assessment+report writing+ETR meeting=N. Average!!!! Standard min/IEP speech only: Minutes for case management+report writing+meeting=N. Average!!! Standard min/IEP speech related: Minutes for report writing+meeting=N. Average!!! Standard min/progress or interim report: Min for figuring progress+report writing=N. Average!!!! Standard min/week for Medicaid documentation: Min for week for entering Medicaid documentation. Advance slide show the values we used. Change values as you would like.

Calculating Workload: Step 2: By each SLP Direct service minutes per schedule Use your weekly schedule Count minutes of direct service to students: group, classroom, individual sessions, intervention, etc. Your schedule should reflect minutes on IEPs for each student. Do not count minutes that were over-scheduled for cancellations, make-up services, meetings, etc. Stick to the required minutes for this number; not extra minutes you may have scheduled. ANN Take a couple of minutes and look at your schedule. Count the number of minutes of direct service to students. Put this number of minutes for the week into the calculator. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Number of initial ETRs per year Will be more in primary grade buildings SLP should project the total number of initial ETRs for the year. ANN Count, predict how many initial ETRs you will be doing this year. Data could be based on intervention, screenings, etc. BARB BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Number of re-evaluations per year Estimate for the year based on due dates. ANN Estimate based on due dates how many re-evaluations you will be doing this year. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Number of speech primary IEPs Include initial IEPs and annually reviewed in this total number. ANN Based on initial ETRs and current roster, estimate how many speech primary IEPs you will be doing this year. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Number of IEPs with S/L as related service Include initial and annual reviews. Include those for students who move into the district, i.e. transfer IEPs. ANN Based on roster estimate how many S/L related service IEPs you will be doing this year. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Number of screenings per year Probably more in primary buildings. Be sure to agree on why a screening is done. What activity is included in the screening? ANN Should we discuss “screening”? What does that mean and why is it done? How many screenings will you be required to do this year? BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per year spent in staff meetings How many do you attend per year? How long are they? Number of meetings X minutes for each = N ANN Do you attend building staff meetings? If so, how many are there per year? How long are they? Put this total number of minutes for the year into the calculator. It will divide it by 36 weeks and come up with the minutes per week you spend in staff meetings. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Number of meetings X minutes for each = N Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per year spent in intervention /consultation meetings How many minutes per week (average) do you spend in consultation or IAT meetings? Number of meetings X minutes for each = N ANN Do you attend IAT meetings? Do you have consultation meetings with teachers about students with S/L concerns? Do you consult on a regular basis with teachers about IEPd students? How many minutes per year do you spend in this activity? Calculator will take the minutes for year and divide it by 36 to get N of minutes per week. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per year spent doing email, parent conferences, SSI paperwork, etc. Estimate the time per year spend in miscellaneous contact with outside agencies and parent conferences=N ANN Estimate time spent per year with correspondence with outside agencies, emailing parents, etc., parent conferences, SSI paperwork, misc. This N will be divided in the calculator by 36 to get the minutes per week. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

How many do you do a year of each for each student on your caseload? Calculating Workload: Step 2 Number of progress reports/interims per year How many do you do a year of each for each student on your caseload? ANN You should be able to figure this by number of students on your caseload X number of progress reports/interim reports. If you do these for “intervention” students, include this in your N. The calculator will multiply this by the standard minutes and divide by 36 to get minutes per week. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per week for planning, making materials, programming devices According to paragraph (A)(9) of rule 3301-35-05 of the Administrative Code, a full-time SLP should have at least 200 minutes per week for this N. ANN You should put a minimum of 200 minutes in this N if you are full-time. That’s 40 minutes per day. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per week spent for Medicaid documentation See standard values for a FTE SLP for how many minutes per week for a full-time caseload is the standard value. This standard value X FTE is the N for this value. ANN The standard for this for 1 FTE is above. If you are part-time, divide this by your FTE. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per week spent in travel between buildings How many minutes per week are spent in transitions/travel between buildings? This N should be an average. ANN Do you travel between buildings? This should be a weekly number (average) that includes travel and transition time. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per year for Professional Development What is the average number of days spent away from your building for PD? Multiply this by 7 ½ hours/day and this is the N for this value. ANN How many days do you take for PD for the year? Multiply this by 7 ½ hours and put this as the N for this value. It will be divided by 36 by the calculator and this will be your minutes per week for PD. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per week for lunch periods How many lunch periods are spent at this school or by this SLP? If a school has 6 days of SLP service, that would be 6 lunch periods. SLPs are entitled to 1 30 minute lunch period during every work day. This N should be included on the calculator. ANN You are entitled to 30 minutes per day that you work for a lunch break. Figure this by multiplying how many days you work each week and putting this N into the calculator. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per week mentoring/supervising How many minutes per week is the SLP responsible for mentoring/supervising another SLP (CFY/PEY)? Not student teachers! ANN We added this line to the calculator. If you supervise or mentor another SLP, be sure to add this line to your calculator to reflect this part of your workload. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Workload: Step 2 Minutes per week for building duties How many minutes per week is the SLP responsible for building duties, i.e. lunch room, arrival, dismissal, etc. ANN If you are assigned building duties, enter the minutes per week that these come out of your schedule. BARB will shift to calculator and put Holly’s values into the calculator.

Calculating Worklod: Step 3 Collect all data and plug it into this Excel spread sheet to come up with workload minutes per week for each building or SLP. These will appear in the final column. Excel formulas take all of the numbers and calculate them into minutes per week in final column. Total minutes per week appears here in the yellow row. This yellow number is divided by the agreed upon Standard min/ week for 1 FTE and yields the “Estimated FTE Needed for This Workload”. You should see the results of your calculations immediately if you are doing this on the live spread sheet that was downloaded from the OSSPEAC site.

Calculating Caseload: Step 4 SLPs examine their current case lists each spring with projections of which students will be discontinued, change placement, graduating, change schools, etc. Put number of students with each disability into the bottom of the calculator for a “weighted caseload” calculation. Students with primary disability of: multiple disabilities, hearing impairment, autism, or orthopedic/other health impairments (major) are counted as 1.6 toward a maximum of 80 per SLP.

Weighted 1.6 according to regs Calculated Caseload Weighted 1.6 according to regs

Example: Quantified SLP Workload and Caseload

How can this data be used by districts/SLPS to provide effective and efficient services? Design strategies for decreasing workload and working more efficiently. Make changes to streamline workload. Make decision of amount of SLP service needed for next school year in each building. Make assignments for this or next school year.