Debby McBride Ligon, MS, CCC-SLP Expanding Augmentative Communication (AAC) Services at PPHC Debby McBride Ligon, MS, CCC-SLP
Goals: Review the AAC Communicator Profile which helps you map skills in the areas of current communication modes and functions being used; access modifications, demonstration of simple to sophisticated AAC tools/devices including use of iPads for AAC . Learn about AAC resources for your use that will be included on the PPHC website. Review a tentative list of the upcoming summer training opportunities along with the topics, dates. Learn about opportunities to be an AAC team member as well as how to request a consultation for your patient(s); please note that there are limited times available for this option until more people are trained / available.
Team Approach PPHC AAC Team(s)
Build skills for communication
Low-Tech Communication Tools
Switches & accessories Variety of switches Switch mount Can we somehow mark these slides where its just a teaser and these points wi ll be expl more fully on next slides?
Lite-Tech Communication Tools
Simple voice output – some w/ sequencing capabilities Single message communicators (Sequencers, Step-by-Step, etc.)
Static Display or Digitized Device
High-Tech or AAC devices iPads with AAC apps Speech Generating Devices ( SGDs )
Popular AAC Apps (pictures)
Speech Generating Devices (SGDs) or AAC devices Ablenet Tobii DynaVox T –series Tobii DynaVox I - series PRC – ( Prentke Romich) Saltillo Other . . . DMEs / devices not covered by 3rd party insurance
The AAC Device/App: Features to Consider
Accessories Mounts Carry cases Stylus (Stylus Socks), Switch access
Medicaid / Insurance pay for?? Purchase a Speech Generating Device every 3 – 5 years Not typically purchase Lite-Tech or Low-Tech (CES Waiver or borrow from school or private pay) Not purchase iPads other than if it meets the SGD criteria Have to go through DME providers (AAC device manufacturers)
Medicaid funding process
AAC team(s)
AAC Communicator Profile
Interested ?
Instructions for AAC Referral
.Tentative Schedule for AAC training for Summer 2016.docx
Referrals (paperwork required; will be up on website soon) Debby McBride Ligon For: Referrals (paperwork required; will be up on website soon) General questions (compiling FAQ )