Mr. McDonald’s Syllabus & Curriculum Presentation


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. McDonald’s Syllabus & Curriculum Presentation

Classroom Rules & Behavior Expectations 1. Be kind to others: treat others as you would want to be treated. (GOLDEN RULE) 2. Treat others and their personal property with RESPECT. 3. Be RESPONSIBLE for your academic work and personal behavior. 4. Enter the classroom quietly and prepared for class. 5. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself. 6. Food, drink (besides WATER), gum and candy are not allowed to be consumed inside the classroom. 7. Hats are not allowed to be worn inside classroom or the school building. 8. Cell phones and other electronic devices are NOT permitted to be used in the classroom. (Unless you’ve been given permission by Mr. McDonald)

Consequences First offense: A warning & a redirection If a student fails to follow these rules then the following consequences will apply: *Any serious offense(s) may result in an immediate Conduct Referral bypassing the below-mentioned warnings & redirections. First offense: A warning & a redirection Second offense: Redirection, ISI Time Out, & parent phone call 3. Third offense: Conduct Referral

Student Supply List 1) 3-ring binder (1” – 2”) Three tabbed dividers labeled and ordered as follows: - Do Nows - Notes - Assignments Notebook Paper: Approximately 150-200 pgs. Lots of Pencils or Pens (whichever works best for you) Colored Pencils Scissors Ruler 8) Personal Ear Buds/Head Phones

Binder Checks What? An assessment of the completion and quality of your notes, note summaries and Do Nows. When? At the end of each term (quarter). Grading: 20% of your final term grade. IMPORTANT* Being absent is NOT an excuse for not completing a Do Now, your notes or your notes summaries. If you are absent or miss a Do Now or Notes, please visit Mr. McDonald’s class website to make it up.

Break Time !!! We will take two three-minute transition breaks each class period. During this time students MAY & MAY NOT: Stretch Move around the room (NO RUNNING or HORSEPLAY!!!) Converse with classmates Draw or Free Write Read Use the bathroom or get a drink of water Check their phones (NO PHOTOGRAPHY!!!)

Grading Policy Grading Policy: Based on Kyrene Elementary School District’s 2017-18 GRADES ARE EARNED, NOT GIVEN, and reflect a combination of test scores, classwork, class projects and Binder Checks. If a student ever has a question about their grade, they should see Mr. McDonald before or after school only! I will regularly update grades in Synergy (ParentVue & StudentVue). However I will NOT take class time to attend to a grade request. Grading Scale: A (90%-100%) B (80%-89%) C (70%-79%) D (60%-69%) F (59%-0) Grading Categories & Percentages: Tests, Quizzes, & Projects - 80% Classwork - 20%

All Assignments Absences/Make-Up Work According to district policy, students have the same number of days as they missed, due to an excused absence, to turn in all work without penalty. Immediately after an absence, please check Mr. McDonald’s Class Website to see what you’ve missed. Late Work All assignments are expected to be completed and turned-in on time. If a student fails to turn-in an assignment on its due date, they will have one additional day to turn the assignment in for up to 90% credit. If a student fails to turn the assignment in within above time frame, they may still earn have half credit for turning it in prior to, or on the day of, the unit assessment.

Tests/Quizzes Students should prepare for tests and quizzes by writing down test dates, paying attention in class, taking notes, participating in class, completing assignments/projects, and studying. Tests must be completed in class. Any student caught cheating on a test will receive a ZERO for that test grade (Per district policy for Academic Dishonesty), and their parents will be contacted by Mr. McDonald. If a student does not earn at least a “C”, or 75% on their test, the first time around, they will be eligible for a retake. Retake opportunities will be scheduled during CORE Rotation periods, and it will be up to the student to decide whether or not retake any given test. Students who decide to retake a test have the luxury of using their notes, however, the highest score that may be earned on a retake is a C, or the equivalent of 75%.

Reports & Projects All assigned reports and projects will be explained thoroughly to students in class. Students will also receive written instructions, including due dates. Students must write all reports in their own words. Undocumented information, which is copied from a source, is plagiarism and the student(s) responsible will earn a ZERO for the assignment.

Curriculum & Units of Study 1) The Causes of the American Revolution (1763-1776) 2) The American Revolutionary War (1776-1783) 3) A More Perfect Union (1777-1791) 4) US Government & the US Constitution 5) WWII (1919-1945) * this unit will be divided into five sub-units: The Causes of WWII, The Early Battles – Pearl Harbor, The US Home Front, the European Theater & the Pacific Theater. 6) The Early Cold War (1945-1954) 7) America in the 1950’s (1950’s) 8) The Cold War – Moonshot (1952-1975) 9) the Civil Rights Movement (1954-1975) 10) The Vietnam War (1954-1975) 11) Modern America (1976- the Present Day)

Must Knows

QUESTIONS??? Contact Information: EMAIL: PHONE: 480-541- 6200 (ext. 6353)

Break Time !!! We will take two three-minute transition breaks each class period. During this time students MAY & MAY NOT: Stretch Move around the room (NO RUNNING or HORSEPLAY!!!) Converse with classmates Draw or Free Write Read Use the bathroom or get a drink of water Check their phones (NO PHOTOGRAPHY!!!)