U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Veterans’ Priority of Service in SCSEP SCSEP Business Meeting Pamela Langley, VETS Ed Davin, VETS R.J. Flowers, ETA/OWI November 18, 2010
What is Priority of Service? Outline What is VETS? What is Priority of Service? How Should Priority of Service Be Implemented? What About Monitoring and Reporting? Fundamental aspects of the regulations. 2. How the regulations are to be implemented within the varied programmatic contexts 3. Plans for monitoring and reporting components of the regulations. 2
What is VETS? The Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) – an Agency of the U. S. Department of Labor (not the VA) VETS Administers Grant Programs Formula Grants to State Workforce Agencies Competitive Grants to public and private non-profit organizations VETS Administers Compliance Programs
VETS’ Oversight Responsibility General Role - The Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans' Employment and Training shall promote and monitor participation of qualified veterans and eligible persons in employment and training opportunities under title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and other federally funded employment and training programs. (38 U.S.C. 4102A(d)) Specific Role – Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses
What is Priority of Service?
History of Priority of Service Jobs for Veterans Act – P.L. 107-288 November 7, 2002 – enactment P.L. 109-461 – December 6, 2006 – requirement to publish regulations Final Regulations – January 19, 2009 Joint Guidance – November 10, 2009 Protocol – November 10, 2010 Jobs for Veterans Act - originating legislation TEGL 5-03 – JVA Policy Guidance PL 109-461 - Veterans’ Benefits, Health Care, and Information Technology Act of 2006 – required DOL to publish regulations within two years. Final Rule/Regulations - Published on December 19, 2008; effective date January 19, 2009. Joint Guidance – TEGL 10-09 and Veterans’ Program Letter 07-09 – November 10, 2009 6
Issuance of Joint Guidance Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No.10-09, issued by ETA Veterans’ Program Letter (VPL) No. 07-09, issued by VETS Identical content issued in each agency’s guidance format on the same date The only known instance of VETS and ETA issuing joint guidance Protocol recently issued as TA follow-up
Key Definitions - I Qualified Job Training Program – a workforce program funded in whole or in part by DOL Veteran [38 USC 101(2)] Discharged under “other than dishonorable” conditions Active military service: National Guard and Reserve – weekend and summer training does not qualify National Guard – mobilization by a governor for state service (e.g., for a natural disaster) does not qualify Priority of Service applies to ANY workforce program that’s funded in whole or in part by DOL funds. ACTIVE military service - Full-time duty in the National Guard or a Reserve component other than for training purposes. One day of military service qualifies for POS - 38 U.S.C. 101(2); similar to 29 U.S.C. 2801(49)(A) which applies to WIA program eligibility; different than 180 days of service required for DVOP/LVER services and reporting under WP, 38 U.S.C. 4211(4)(A). No FT Training or State mobilization . DISCHARGE – any reason as long as it is categorized as anything other than dishonorable. 8
Key Definitions - II Eligible Spouse Eligibility derived from a living veteran Service member is missing in action, captured or forcibly detained Veteran has total service-connected disability, per VA evaluation Eligibility derived from a deceased veteran Veteran died of a service-connected disability Veteran died while a total service-connected disability, per VA evaluation, was in existence Eligible Spouse Definitions and Criteria for priority of service. 9
Can an Eligible Spouse Lose Eligibility Under Any of These Conditions? Basis of Spouse Eligibility Loss of Status Divorce Remarriage a) Veteran died of service connected Disability N/A No b) Service Member is missing, captured or detained Yes c) Veteran has a total, service connected disability, per VA Evaluation d) Veteran died while a disability as defined in c) was in existence
Key Definitions - III Covered Person A Veteran An Eligible Spouse Non-Covered Person Any person who is not a veteran or an eligible spouse Covered Person: Those included for POS Covered Entrant: Keep in mind that ‘covered entrants’ ONLY apply to ‘covered persons’! Point of Entry, earliest point of contact, with the workforce system whether at a physical location, such as a One-Stop Center, or at a virtual location, such as a state’s Web site, but has not received a service yet! This is to capture information on veterans and eligible spouses in those situations in which they make initial contact with the workforce system, or with a specific program, but do not immediately receive a service that would qualify them as participants. This will be a reporting requirement for six programs identified to capture data on covered entrants – WIA A/DW/NEG; WP; TAA; SCSEP. State and/or Local Areas are required to establish policies/procedures/guidance for Point of Entry. ETA will be providing ‘protocol’ – in development now – which will provide further detail and examples about strategies for providing priority of service. 11
Recognizing the Challenges One-Stops are to apply the priority of service veteran definition to all veterans who access the workforce system through the One-Stops One-Stops also are to apply the Wagner-Peyser veteran definition to DVOP/LVER eligibility and to all reporting on Wagner-Peyser services Although this duality of veteran definitions is awkward, it could be resolved by Congress The bottom line here is that the burden of applying both the priority of service and the Wagner-Peyser definitions will fall on the One-Stop Centers. The priority of service definition applies to those veterans who access the workforce system remotely or through the One-Stops. The WP definition applies to eligibility for DVOP/LVER services and to reporting on all WP services. 12
Extent of Priority of Service Priority of Service applies to every qualified job training program funded, in whole or in part, by DOL An agreement to implement priority of service is a condition for receipt of all DOL job training funds Priority of service applies to all sub-recipients, including sub-grantees, subcontractors, and those delivering services under other types of agreements Priority of Service cannot be waived Going back to the coverage of priority of service, or where it applies, as stated in the first bullet, it applies to EVERY qualified job training program funded by the Department, whereby the receipt of those funds is tantamount to an agreement to implement priority of service consistent with the final regulations. And it applies to all “levels” of funding, including recipients and every level of sub-recipient. …Priority of Service cannot be waived. No recipient or sub-recipient of DOL funding for workforce programs can waive these regulatory requirements. 13
Identifying and Informing Identifying veterans and eligible spouses at the point of entry Implementing processes to ensure veterans and eligible spouses are made aware of: Their entitlement to priority of service Other employment, training and placement services available The eligibility requirements for those programs or services Identifying covered persons at the point of entry – this being the earliest point they access the system. Must be processes in place to enable the Individual to make known their Covered Person status and for staff to Initiate data collection for Covered Persons. Covered persons must also be made aware of: Their entitlement to priority of service Other employment, training and placement services available The eligibility requirements for those programs or services ETA developing a ‘Protocol’ – Best Practices, Implementation, Tools 14
Priority Defined The right to take precedence over non-covered persons – Depending on the type of service or resource being provided, taking precedence may mean: Covered person gains access to service or resource earlier than the non-covered persons Covered person receives service or resource instead of a non-covered person when resources are limited EXAMPLE: In a training class that includes 30 trainee slots, 20 participants have been: a) approved for funding, AND, b) enrolled, but the training has not yet begun: A veteran or eligible spouse who is on a waiting list to be approved for funding would move ahead of any non-covered persons in that queue A veteran or eligible spouse who is newly approved for funding would be enrolled before a non-covered person approved at the same time A newly approved veteran or eligible spouse is not entitled to “bump” a non-covered person who already was approved and enrolled in the class 15
How Should Priority of Service Be Implemented?
Clarifying Verification - I The regulations state: “The processes for identifying covered persons are not required to verify the status of an individual as a veteran or eligible spouse at the point of entry unless they immediately undergo eligibility determination and enrollment in a program.” Therefore, “Self-attestation” of covered person status is sufficient to receive priority of service. Very important to note that verification does NOT necessarily have to be done prior to providing POS to those stating to be veterans and/or eligible spouses. 17
Clarifying Verification - II The regulations state: “Even in those instances in which eligibility determination and enrollment take place at the point of entry, the Department believes that the covered person should be enrolled and given immediate priority and then be permitted to follow-up subsequently with any required verification of his/her status as a covered person.” Therefore, “Self-attestation” of covered person status is sufficient for program enrollment . Verification for Programs/Services that do not allow self attestation must occur no later than the point at which a decision to commit outside resources for the veteran/eligible spouse occurs. Still must meet eligibility requirements for specific program, but verification of Covered Person status can be done later, depending on services planned and the requirements of the Program. Additional info: Attachment A of TEGL 10-09 18
Clarifying Verification - III The joint guidance clarifies that, while awaiting verification: Program staff may provide intensive services to covered persons on a priority basis Services based on outside resources, such as classroom training may not be provided to covered persons on a priority basis “Self-attestation” of covered person status is sufficient to receive intensive services but not vendor services such as classroom training. As stated on the previous slide………… lack of verification does NOT prevent the delivery of all services under POS. Staff Resources should be provided; Outside Resources must wait for verification - such as paying for training, education classes, OJT - items outside of grantee staff who are providing services. All eligibility requirements for the program must have been met.
Eligibility Criteria and Priorities Two Categories of Programs: Programs with Eligibility Criteria Universal Access Programs Two Categories of Priorities: Statutory (Mandatory) Priorities Discretionary (Elective) Priorities When applied varies by Program based on any eligibility requirements and/or applicable priorities. Are there Specific conditions for participation or open to All????? ‘DISCRETIONARY’ HERE DOES NOT REFER TO “DISCRETIONARY FUNDING’ BUT TO “ELECTIVE/PARTIAL” PRIORITIES!!
The Context of Priority of Service Priority of service is a statutory priority Priority of service applies to: Programs with Eligibility Criteria Universal Access Programs Priority of service interacts primarily with other statutory priorities (Discretionary priorities are quite rare) **Discuss more on ‘Eligibility Criteria’ on the next slide………………..
Universal Access Programs Universal Access Programs - Do not include eligibility criteria (e.g., Wagner-Peyser services) First level of priority - Veterans and eligible spouses Second level of priority - Non-covered persons Perhaps the most difficult in determining processes for POS. In person, self service, and electronic access complicate implementation.
Programs with Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria are conditions that all participants must meet, for SCSEP: Unemployed 55 or older 125% of the federal poverty level or lower First priority level - veterans and eligible spouses who meet the eligibility criteria Second priority level – non-covered persons who meet the eligibility criteria Basic requirements for each and every participant in order to be eligible for services through the particular program. Eligibility criteria are established by Statute. EXAMPLE SCSEP PROGRAM: AGE, INCOME LEVEL, RESIDENCY, AND NOT JOB READY.** Since the Secretary has authority under various statutes, in SGA’s issued under the Secretary’s authority, criteria identifying target populations are deemed Eligibility Criteria.
Programs with Statutory Priorities Programs with Statutory Priorities – SCSEP includes statutory priorities: First Priority - Veterans and eligible spouses who also meet at least one of the other seven statutory priorities Second Priority - Veterans and eligible spouses who do not meet any of the other seven statutory priorities Third Priority - Non-covered persons who meet at least one of the other seven statutory priorities 24
Program Eligibility and Income Military income excluded when determining if a veteran or eligible spouse meets a “low income” criterion Pay or allowances while on active duty Service-connected disability compensation VA educational assistance (e.g., “GI Bill”) Military income not to be excluded when determining if a veteran or eligible spouse meets a “low income” criterion -- pension for military retirees Detailed listing included in TEGL 10-09, Attachment A
Monitoring and Reporting? What About Monitoring and Reporting?
Monitoring Compliance Joint monitoring of Priority of Service by: The Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) The DOL agency responsible for the program’s administration and oversight (typically ETA) If monitoring identifies a failure to comply: To be handled in accord with the program’s established compliance review processes A corrective action plan also may be required The Regulations provide that monitoring of priority of service will be a joint responsibility of VETS and ETA. Guidance is still being developed. 27
Key Definition for Reporting Covered Entrant A Veteran or an Eligible Spouse who is; At the “point of entry” to the workforce system or a qualified job training program (i.e., at the initial point of contact, prior to receipt of any services; e.g., an applicant, not a participant) Programs other than the Six programs previously mentioned - Discretionary Funded Grants/Direct Grants. Implementation of the New Definitions for Veteran/Eligible Spouse are required for ALL funded programs whenever the Office of Management and Budget next approves your respective data collection/reporting requirements (new or renewal) effective from the implementation date of the Final Rule (January 19,2009) 28
Reporting on Covered Entrants Programs required to report on covered entrants, currently: Wagner-Peyser State Grants WIA Adult WIA Dislocated Worker WIA National Emergency Grants Trade Adjustment Assistance Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) For those Programs serving 1,000 or more covered persons per year for the last three years (nationally), Data Collection and Reporting on COVERED ENTRANTS (POINT OF ENTRY) is also required. This requirement has NOT gone into effect yet. Guidance is still being developed. 29
Implementing Reporting For SCSEP, the new definitions have been adopted and reporting on covered entrants was implemented July 1, 2009 (PY 2009) For Wagner-Peyser, WIA (Adult, Dislocated Worker, and National Emergency Grants), and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), the reporting on covered entrants has been waived for PY 2009 and 2010 ETA and VETS are considering implementing reporting on covered entrants for PY 2011, for Wagner-Peyser, WIA and TAA Of the Six Programs required to report on Covered Entrants: Only SCSEP implemented reporting for PY 2009 based on a voluntary decision by the ETA staff members responsible for that program. A new reporting system recently was implemented for that program and some refinements to that system are being added for PY 2009. The other programs have been waived for PY09 and implementation is on hold, possibly through PY10. 30
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