Welcome to CNY Works! Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm Tuesdays 8:00am – 8:00pm 960 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 Phone (315) 473-8250 CNY Works and the NYS Department of Labor.
General Policies Did you park in the correct location? Free parking available in front and rear of building! Please park in designated parking areas. Please silence all cell phones. For your convenience, use the Communication Cubby in the main hallway. Please check in at the front desk each time you visit CNY Works. A staff person will direct you to and from services. Thanks for your cooperation!
Emergency Evacuation In case of an emergency, please use the nearest emergency exit. Emergency exits are located at both front and rear of building: - through the main lobby toward the main entrance corridor (James street exit). - to the left of the reception desks and down the stairs (turn right).
We will help you to help yourself. Our Goal CNY Works goal: To assist you to make positive changes in your life by interacting with all of our services and dedicated staff. We will help you to help yourself. Signed, CNY Works Staff
CNY Works Provides… Job search support Individual employment plan development Current labor market information Information on training assistance Job referrals Specialized resources for customers requiring bilingual assistance All services are free to you!
Please do not use cell phones. Resource Room Find career information to make choices about your future No appointments necessary Computers, printers, copier, fax, phones Free internet access for Job Search Only Résumé writing software Staff support Lists of job opportunities (Website) Lists of Civil Service Exams and Typing Tests Adaptive computer equipment and software to assist persons with disabilities Information about Community resources Free postage for up to 5 resumes per day Please do not use cell phones.
On-Site Workshops Workshops provide current information to help you with your job search! Orientation Interviewing Skills Résumé Overview Résumé Express Walk-In Résumé Review Job Search Forum Over 40 & Hired Tackle Your Debt/Budget Basics Jumpstart Your Job Search Career Planning On the Job Training Intro to Google Docs Customer Service Transferable Skills Career Navigator Advanced Résumé
Computer Classes Beginner & intermediate levels Morning or afternoon sessions Teacher-directed lessons and practical experience Small classes Individual attention Certificate when successfully completing the course
FLOW of Computer Classes Keyboarding PC Literacy 1 PowerPoint Word 2 Access Excel 2 Word 1 Excel 1 PC Literacy 2
How to Register for Classes and Workshops Ask your Career advisor or E-mail your requests to: SignUp@cnyworks.com Include the following: Your name and phone number Last 4 numbers of your Social Security Number Names of workshops/classes you want to attend
Veterans Services We provide services to our Veteran community throughout Onondaga County. These services include referrals to local supports that help meet your employment goals. . Referrals to federal, state and local Veterans Service Agencies/Organizations . Protecting and preserving your DD-214 . Referrals to NY State Division of Veterans Affairs for State Benefits
Disability Resource Coordinator Facilitates services to persons with disabilities. These services include referrals to local supports that help meet your employment goals such as: Social Security Work Incentives Benefits Advisement Medicaid Buy-In Program Ticket to Work Program To request accommodations Please talk with your Career Advisor.
On the Job Training (OJT) GIVING you the competitive edge Did you find a job you’d like to do, but aren’t qualified? OJT can help. Is the employer willing to train you? They can get reimbursed for training costs. You get a full paycheck! CNY Works pays part of your wages. 1. You must apply with CNY Works first. 2. Your plan must be approved. If you are interested… Ask for the OJT flyer for contact information
The Internet An important tool in your job search! Most employers are using the internet to post jobs and to accept applications & resumes: 79% of employers conduct an online search of applicants. 85% of hiring managers use social networking sites like LinkedIn to look for potential candidates. 77% of job seekers use mobile apps to search for jobs. 35.5% of jobs are filled from job boards or corporate career sites. 68% of available jobs are never posted online. Lesson…The internet is an important tool but it is not the only tool in your toolbox!
Recommended Websites O*Net Online (www.onetonline.org) Occupational information Job growth data Salary information JobZone (www.nyjobzone.org) Explore careers Assess your skills and interests
What Are Transferable Skills? Skills and abilities that you can apply to new employment in a different career field. Transferable skills are good for: Cover letter: Getting the reader’s attention. Résumé: Providing detail about your skills. Interview: Explaining how your skills can benefit the employer.
Visit Cnyworks.com Find out more about the services we offer. Calendar for Workshops & Computer Classes. List of current Job Openings. List of Top Local Employers and Placement Agencies. Current Job Fairs & Recruitments. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Good Luck! Now lets start making those positive changes!!! *Please have Registration form completed. (Print from Cnyworks.com) Click an arrow: Restart After Show