Type Here the Title of the Poster Arial Bold Shadowed 80 Type here the authors (as N.M. Lastname) in one line (or in two lines if needed) This is your first subtitle, (e.g. introduction) You may emphasize with red color, bold or underlined text if it is important for you (but rather choose just one style). Include figures (they are more illustrative than plain text!) Example figure illustrating the results Discuss how and how well you were able to answer your topic Also, in many cases it is good to mention which problems remain (for later research). Check how your poster appears in total using full size view. Final notes: Do not add any background image/color (printing costs)! Finalize your poster file by Monday, 2 November, 2015 and upload the ready PowerPoint file to MyCourses. The teachers will have the posters printed (in size A1) by Monday, 9 November in time for the poster session. Note that the structure, figures, parameters shown depend on the topic! Here is often space for 1-2 relevant references. You do not need to use this poster template. This is just one example / alternative. This is your main text (e.g., problem, research question(s), goal(s), motivation.) Paragraphs are aligned with “Justify” option. The recommended font is Times New Roman, size 40-48 p. Titles are centered. The (sub)title font is Arial Bold, size 54-68 p. … Use horizontal divider lines to separate different sections of your poster, like this: Second subtitle Second section normal text. E.g. Describe briefly the relevant theory, and/or research methods the work is based on and/or the principles that are used in answering the question. The reference(s) can be placed into the end of the poster Note! Above proposals might not be suitable in all the topics. 3rd subtitle (if needed) Final subtitle, e.g. Conclusions main results/characteristics of your poster. This is a possible way of using bullets Second level Example table made inside PowerPoint or Word: Alpha Beta Gamma Sigma First 1 14 54 5 Second 7 522 45 554 Third 2 55 Total 43 63 4 84 14 November, 2016 ELEC-E4110 Introduction to nano and radio science