Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation Arial Bold 40pt Paper Title Arial Bold 60pt can be reduced to 52pt if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation Arial Bold 40pt Affiliation, dept. name, organization Arial 32pt Place your organization's logo here. Introduction This template provides authors with most of the formatting and dimensions suggestions for preparing the electronic version of their poster. All standard components have been specified for two reasons: (1) ease of use when formatting individual poster, and (2) conformity of style throughout a conference proceeding. Try to attract the participants to your standard. Unless they come to it, you cannot expect to have a discussion with them. The display should therefore be visually appealing and should contain the essence of your paper in a form, which is easy to understand. Your headlines should be visible from several meters away, so lettering should be large and clear. Section I Your display should consist chiefly of keywords, diagrams, photographs etc … Color photographs are particularly attractive in a display. Diagrams and graphs should have clear captions. All lettering should be easy to read. Normal typewritten or hand-written text is not allowed, but typewriting is acceptable if it is enlarged to 0.7 cm in height. All graphs and diagrams should be drawn with thick lines (preferably 1 mm or more in width). Use color to emphasize important features. Photocopies of your typescript are not acceptable. You may also distribute information sheets. Those information sheets must be fastened directly at the board by means of your material (i.e. a fastened transparent envelope). Section II No lecture sessions will take place in parallel and the presenting author should attend his/her poster panel throughout this time. The poster numbers are indicated in the technical program. Authors are requested to place their poster on the relevant board at least 15 minutes before the beginning of their presentation session. Posters should be removed after the dialogue session has ended. If your dialogue paper has been prepared by several authors, please make it clear which author will attend the Dialogue Session to discuss the display with the participants using a presentation advice note. An author should be present in person at the dialogue session and make himself known by the session chair, otherwise his paper will not be discussed and will not be uploaded into the IEEE Xplore database. Section III For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. Example example Conclusion For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. For the body text, it is suggested regular 32pt arial font size, which can be reduced up to 24pt, if the amount of text exceeds the delimited space. Acknowledgments The preferred spelling of the word “acknowledgment” in America is without an “e” after the “g”. Avoid the stilted expression, “One of us (R. B. G.) thanks . . .” Instead, try “R. B. G. thanks”. Put your sponsor acknowledgments here.