SO2 Sulfur Dioxides: It is a respiratory irritant Can affect plants Results from combustion AND volcanoes (so it occurs from natural and man- made pollution) It is corrosive Acid Rain Program: sulfur allowances: Companies must pay a fine if they emit more than their share of sulfur Companies can emit the same amount of sulfur they emitted before 1990 Companies can sell sulfur allowances Overall reduce the amount of sulfur being emitted
NOx Nitrogen Oxides: main anthropogenic source are motor vehicles Lowering coal burning temps can reduce emissions
Depletion of the Ozone Layer Ozone absorbs incoming UV rays Depletion was greatest in Antarctica during August- November Occurs in the STRATOSPHERE Chlorine atom on CFCs are destroying the ozone layer
Tropospheric Ozone Found in LARGE quantities in BROWN SMOG
Indoor Air Pollutants Wood, animal manure or coal used for cooking and heating in developing countries. (Biomass) Asbestos (insulation) Radon: radioactive gas Seeps into homes through foundation cracks Exists in granite Effects can be reduced by sealing cracks and increasing ventilation VOCs in home products
Indoor Air Pollutants Affects BOTH developing and developed countries Asbestos (insulation) Sick Building Syndrome: sickness caused by the buildup of toxins in an air-tight space (building) Copy machines, VOCs from carpets, ventilation, paint, etc. VOCs in carpets contain formaldehyde
Legislation Montreal Protocol: called for the eventual elimination of CFCs Global Legislation: needed due to the movement of large polluted air masses all over the globe Economic Benefits: Include the establishment of “clean” technologies in businesses and manufacturers. Creation of municipal electric vehicles. Increases population in areas Global Reduction Methods: carpool lanes, expanded public transport, road use fees (tolls), permitting automobile use on certain days
Legislation Early U.S. Legislation sought to control: NOx emissions Emissions from industry Open burning Sulfur in fuel Decreasing Air emissions could come from something as simple as switching fuel sources away from gasoline
Misc Dispersed air pollutants are the MOST difficult to control